Meeting the Family

This Saturday is Emily’s bridal shower! And just who is Emily? you ask. Well, she’s my niece. My brother’s daughter. If you haven’t heard the beautiful story of how I found my brother (Jim) and his family, you should read this: Family Matters. It’s the lovely and totally remarkable story of how I found the brother I thought had died at birth, when I had been only four.

We now have a rewarding friendship. He’s a sweet guy with a beautiful family. Emily is his oldest child.

I haven’t met any of his siblings nor his adopted family. I want to stay in the background because I understand his adopted mother (who is in her 90’s) isn’t comfortable with the idea that his birth family has contacted him. I don’t want to challenge her position and I would love to hide and just “be there.” Emily has invited me, so I will be proud to attend and represent his “other family.” It will be interesting.

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