What’s happening in Kings Point

I guess the total invasion of love bugs in Kings Point, Florida, where we live so much of the year, has occurred and consequently the pool down there has been vacated and folks are staying inside. (How sad!)

Love bugs seem to appear for a couple weeks two seasons during the year. This year they held off until we were about to head back to Michigan. Easter weekend we saw more of the critters than we wanted, but they were just a “to-deal-with” pest. Now they’re restricting the fun in Florida. This too will pass, but it’s sad to think that our beautiful life down there can be interrupted by bugs.

If you check my previous posting, you’ll understand a bit more about these critters: Love Bug previous posting

They are pesty and miserable. Yet they don’t bite or make noise. They’re just a nuisance because they are everywhere and “in your face.” The only ones who love “love bugs” are the owners of car-wash businesses. It’s said that they do a major portion of their business because of these bugs.

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