Archive forApril, 2023

Why I have a Blog

My blog: I know no one reads it, but I love to write and it’s kinda like a diary. It’s not for some big audience. It’s for ME.

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Feeling Rotten!

I should have known something was wrong when I slept in to about 9:30!!!! I never sleep in. 7:00 a.m. is actually kinda late for me, but this morning was different.

I kinda lazed around until about 2:00 when it hit me! …. A horrible gastric problem which kept me in the bathroom for almost an hour. When I finally “finished” I went back to bed. And I slept.

I haven’t eaten much.. just a bowl of cereal and a couple slices of toast with jam.

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Credit Card Problems … again!!

I was advised that my VISA card had been compromised again!! It’s the one that I never carry with me and it’s only used for autopayments and on-line transactions. To switch cards where I have accounts takes a half day or more. I love the convenience of having the card numbers recorded so the payments are automatic but I’m thinking that that service may not be worth it. I have a list of about fifteen payments that come out of that card. I’ve changed Amazon, Spectrum, Paypal and three or four others. Some are difficult to switch. If I miss an update, I’m sure the company will contact me when my payment fails.

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Muddy vehicles

I’m hooked on the TV show, “The Incredible Dr. Pol.” It’s a series of episodes featuring an awesome Central Michigan Vet, Dr. Jan Pol.

He and his crew of vets drive around Central Michigan (my old stompin’ ground).

I never realized that during the winter/spring seasons, the cars/trucks in Michigan get so muddy. Here in Florida, I rarely see mud on vehicles (lovebugs yes, but mud no). And rust doesn’t happen. In fact, you can tell a car that’s done duty in the northern states. A quick examination will tell you if the car was on salted streets/roads.

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Seasonal Affected Disorder

Seasonal Affected Disorder (AKA “SAD”) is a problem I experienced when I lived in Michigan. The gloomy days during the winter months really affected my mood. Residing in Florida fixed that condition but this week it has returned.

On Thursday all of my condo windows were covered with sheets of opaque plastic while the exterior of my condo is painted. Since the painting isn’t complete, eight windows and a three-panel sliding door are still covered. I can’t see anything outside and I miss the view. I can’t tell if it’s raining, sunny, foggy or whatever.

I definitely find myself in a funk!

Wish they hadn’t left it this way over the weekend. I sure would have appreciated a view!!

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I’d never pass the test

I’ve heard tests are frequently administered to show the progress of dementia. I think i’m ok, but I would have a problem if I was asked to quickly state what season we’re in. Here in Florida I lose track of the time of the year. I know it’s April (soon to be May) but what season are we heading into? Sure I could figure it out.

We always went back to Michigan the first week of May (after the Kentucky Derby which is the first Saturday of the month). We’d do our return trip in October, or late September.

Since I now stay inside most of the time, I don’t really don’t care about the weather. I am certainly aware that summer here is horribly hot and since the peak of summer has always been June, July and August, I need to avoid those months. I do know that December is generally one of the coldest months here because that’s when Kelly comes to visit.

The hurricane season officially begins on June 1, and ends on November 30. It gets lots of hype so there’s no way you can miss those warnings.

I do love Florida weather because most of the time it’s not extreme.

I’ve been watching “The Incredible Dr. Pol” and he is in Michigan, near where I lived. I see the lousy winter weather in his winter episodes and I don’t miss it.

So back to the title of this post, most of the time, I would fail if someone asked me to quickly state what season we’re in.

On first quick guess I’d say it’s Spring because the Spring break kids just left Florida, and lots of the snowbirds are heading north.

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Wasting Time

I have been tired all day so I haven’t accomplished much. (Examples: dishwasher still full of clean dishes, clothes to be washed, garbage to be taken to the curb.)

I decided to get moving and the filters in my four air purifiers need to be changed so I started. I’d purchased two and they were installed quickly but I couldn’t find the other two which I thoght were stored in my storage room (on top of the cabinets). In the process of reaching for a box I though they might be in, the cardboard container fell apparently hit the electric outlet.

It all checked out, but my wifi wasn’t working. I tried everything and finally called Spectrum, my carrier. They had some suggestions but no success so a service guy was scheduled for their first available appointment on Sunday.

Sure I could survive without wifi for two days, but I wasn’t happy. I was determined and had a few ideas. The lights on the router weren’t lit but the plugs were securely in the outlet.

I took a flashlight and went out to the circuit board in the garage. Everything was ok, but then I remembered the strange circuit breaker over the freezer. (When it’s out the bathroom plugs and outdoor outlets won’t work.) Sure enough, it had popped. The button was hard to get to but when I clicked it, the wifi resumed. If the service guy had tried to fix it, he never would have thought of that circuit breaker.

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More complicated

Because my new trust requires that my banking accounts are in the trust name, I’m in the process of opening two new accounds at my Chase Bank. I really only need the checking account but having a savings account has always been the way I’ve done things. I will probably do the two while I’m at it. I’ll then move the $$ from my current Chase accounts to the new accounts.

Actually I’m thinking I’ll keep my current accounts so I can make sure that any direct deposits get to me. I have a tax refund of over four thousand coming and my Schwab account, my Dow and my St. Mary’s retirements all are directly deposited. Gradually I’ll notify those payors and have the $$ go to my new trust account. Only when I’m sure I have things correctly coming to me will I cancel the current accounts.

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This morning, for some reason I wanted to remember the name of a doctor who was also a friend when I worked at St. Mary’s Medical Center. He was a sweetheart of a guy and my physician.

Try as I might, I couldn’t remember his name!

Little by little memories came back to me.

It seemed like his last name started with C and it was fairly short.

I was sure his first was a common one.

I could remember he had a large sail boat which he ran in races and one year took a months long trip in it. During that journey he sent me emails (and also to many others).

Emailing me was understandable because I’d taught him how to connect on the internet. (Remember this was back in the 1980’s so emailing was new.) He’d come to my office before work and I’d show him how this new opportunity worked.

I recalled going to a retreat sponsored by St. Mary’s where we imbibed in adult beverages. But he was always a total gentleman and just a friend. I remembered he had a brother who was also a doctor and he lived on Saginaw Bay. He married a nurse about about the same time I married John.

It finally came to me. His name: Dr. Donald Cady. According to his obituary, which was easy to find, he had died in 2020. (Just a few years ago.)

I was right about a lot of my memories of him. He was 96 when he died!! He married his wife, Jan, September 28, 1985. (John and I married September 10, 1985.)

Here’s a link to his obituary

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