Wednesday 22 January, 2025 2:32 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
When John and I bought our condo in 2008, one of the best features was the view of a lovely pond directly behind (and across the closed golf course) from us. Over the years the huge oak trees surrounding the pond grew and eventually we couldn’t see the water at all.
When Hurricane Milton came through our area the trees around the ponds were destroyed. It just looked like a huge sad pile of debris.
A couple weeks ago a team of workers came into the pond area with chain saws and trailers. They began clearing out the rubble. I can now see water but the mess hasn’t been entirely hauled away. We’ve had cold, rainy, miserable weather so the work crew isn’t hauling away the logs and branches. I know eventually it’ll be cleaned up so I’ll be patient. Hopefully it’ll soon look nice.
Wednesday 25 December, 2024 3:36 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I enjoyed a great 2024 Christmas dinner at the Squad with yummy turkey, ham, and all the trimmings. My dish to pass was my fabulous cranberry salad. It got rave reviews but wasn’t as good as usual. (I had accidentally picked up canned jellied cranberries instead of whole berry cranberries.)
I was home from Squad by 2pm and called Kelly and Denny.
All in all it has been a very pleasant Christmas.
Monday 23 December, 2024 11:33 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Christmas is almost here.
My Christmas will be spent at “the Squad” where we will enjoy a festive lunch with all Squad members.
I am behind on all my holiday preparation. My tree isn’t totally trimmed. I didn’t put any of my outdoor holiday projected lights out. My cards are ready but not mailed. I need to make my dish to pass for the Squad lunch.
I ordered a motorized trike which should arrive on the 26th with assembly on the 27th.
Thursday 21 November, 2024 3:51 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Last night was the Squad’s annual awards banquet. It was a BYOB event so I brought wine. I had poured part of a large bottle into a smaller insulated bottle. It was a container I’ve often used. It is equal to a couple of glasses, the amount I used to drink. I still enjoy my wine but rarely more than one glass. By the end of the evening I’d drained the bottle. I didn’t notice any reaction and felt comfortable driving cautiously home. I didn’t sleep well and woke up with a headache which still hasn’t gone away. I think it was caused by the wine. Never again!!
Sunday 10 November, 2024 5:59 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Maybe it’s just because I’m getting really old, but Matthew McConaughey to me is the sexiest actor around. I don’t usually swoon over actors but he does it for me. I haven’t felt this way for a star since Bert Reynolds.
Saturday 9 November, 2024 2:15 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Tatoos and piercings are in. Rap music is a hit with this generation. Sushi is popular. Swearing, especially the four letter word is used by everyone.
Thongs and g-strings would hurt. Removal of hair from my private parts would be uncomfortable. A man with no chest hair just isn’t natural.
Believe me I wouldn’t fit in.
Wednesday 6 November, 2024 11:35 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I’d drive on the expressway back and forth to work and traffic never bothered me.
I blame my fear on a close call on I-75 but I think it was already there.
John was an excellent driver and with him behind the wheel I was comfortable. I wouldn’t drive his truck but when he drove, it didn’t bother me.
Actually, it now seems I’ve gotten smarter. (100+ mph was crazy!!)
Wednesday 23 October, 2024 9:50 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
PTSD is generally associated with folks who’ve gone through the horrors of war but now they’re saying folks who went through the hurricane(s) are being diagnosed with this affliction. I’m enduring sleeplessness, lack of appetite, listlessness, and similar symptoms.
Sunday 13 October, 2024 4:18 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Wednesday Hurricane Milton changed the lives of many of us who live in Florida.
I’ve never experienced anything like it. The wind, the rain, the noise. It all scared me and I felt it would never end.
The next morning the devestation was overwhelming. Our lovely view toward the pond behind my condo looks totally different but the biggest inconvenience was the lack of electricity. Four days later (today – on Sunday) we finally got power back. It had been a challenge to cook on a little gas camp stove or my gas grill, but I managed.
I always felt I was prepared for a storm but I wasn’t. If I go through this again I’ll have a generator and I need at least one more battery powered lantern.
Wednesday 9 October, 2024 6:07 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Hurricane Milton is passing through now. Not much wind but lots of rain. I have a moat round my condo. None has gotten in but we have another day to survive. Let’s hope it passes by without encroaching on my living space.
Sophie is nervous. She knows something is going on.
Monday 7 October, 2024 2:17 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Hurricane Helene came through on September 26th. I had no damage nor did anyone I know in Kings Point. This week there’s another storm coming: Hurricane Milton. It will probably get here Wednesday and this time I fear it’ll be a direct hit. This one might be really bad. Everyone’s taking it seriously and lots of Kings Point folks are evacuating to emergency shelters.
This is the first time I’ve feared an approaching hurricane. The predictions all show it heading right for us.
Thursday 26 September, 2024 1:29 pm | And life goes on . . . | Sharon
Too much hype!
Here in Kings Point, everything’s closed down.
Maybe it’ll worsen but at least now, it’s just a little breezy but not hurricane force. The trees are “dancing” rather attractively but in no way were there damaging winds.
The NOAA website shows a wind-speed that’s severe but I don’t think it’s anywhere close to the predicted hurricane force winds.
The big oak trees along the pond behind my condo have been dancing as if they’re doing a pretty waltz. I just noticed the swaying has upped to more of a fast polka tempo.
Everything has re-opened. I guess we were fortunate in Sun City Center and Kings Point. Other parts of Florida had horrid outcomes. I don’t know the number but I believe over a hundred died!!!
Monday 23 September, 2024 10:36 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Thursday 12 September, 2024 3:21 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I worked at the Squad this morning. I can honestly say that I feel pretty good. I’d say I’m almost completely back!
Monday 9 September, 2024 1:29 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I have been under the weather for a week, first with sore throat and then a severe stuffy nose. I just couldn’t breathe.
Saturday night I got thinking. It felt like back in Michigan when pollen and dust would get me down.
A coincidence: A/C quit working so I ran the ceiling fans (BR and great room) all the time. A/C was fixed at the same time I got sick.
My cleaning lady generally dusts the fans, but maybe not ever time she cleans. Either way the bedroom dust would fall on my bed and it had been too long since I’d washed the sheets. Yesterday morning I washed the sheets so last night I slept in a clean bed. (Maybe I should have washed the blanket too, but I noticed the difference with just the sheets.) I may have a cold as well, but everything together caused a problem.
I’m still sorta suffy but much better. Hopefully it’ll clear up completely eventually.
Wednesday 4 September, 2024 11:23 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I woke up Monday (the 2nd) with a sore throat. Two covid tests over two days came out negative but I got a sub for today (Wednesday) at the Squad. Slept in until after 10 a.m. Feeling somewhat better. I’m hoping to be able to attend the Squad’s luncheon Friday.
Friday – Sept. 6, 2024
I was up at 8 a.m. but was so tired that I went back to bed and slept until after 11! I missed the annual Emergency Squad luncheon. The food was given out at 11:30.
Tomorrow my cleaning lady should be coming but I changed her until Tuesday. Here’s hoping I’ll feel better.
Sunday 18 August, 2024 10:16 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I’m really behind on my chores: laundry, bank accounting, filing, and learning to use stuff I’ve purchased like jewelry safe, dog groomer, and curlers. I just have no get up and go! Every day I should be doing my eye test. When I do laundry I don’t find time to fold and put it away. My closet is a disaster. I don’t want to participate In any social events. My excuses are varied. Most started when I had covid. I keep thinking that eventually I’ll recover my zip. My doctor seemed to feel I’m still getting over covid.
Tuesday 6 August, 2024 1:27 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
The hurricane passed through our area yesterday but other than rain, rain, and more rain, it didn’t feel like a hurricane. Debby had much weaker winds than previous hurricanes I’ve experienced. I watched the trees “dance” but the storm caressed the area and gave it a bath.
Obviously being a more gentle storm was advantageous and definitely less costly. We don’t have storm damage. Things are just soggy but they’re drying out quickly and soon things will be the way they were prior to Debby.
Friday 2 August, 2024 8:20 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
China’s population is FOUR times that of the U.S. When you seen the metal listing at the Olympics, keep that in mind.
Thursday 1 August, 2024 7:28 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I usually defend Spectrum because I voted on our contract with them and they gave us a great price. But our service has gone out too frequently. And Teco, our electric company has contributed to the problem. We lost our wifi last night at about 7:30 so I missed my Quiet Room concert. This morning I was watching the reports from the Olympics at 8:00 and again our electric and wifi service was interrupted. It was off until about 11 a.m. I messed around trying to use an alternate way of watching it, but it finally came back. Alexa service was slower to return. I wasted several hours.
Wednesday 31 July, 2024 5:41 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
It’s raining again. The heaviest stuff can be almost horizonal but it’s not that torrential right now.
I actually like watching the heavy stuff. It can hide the view beyond the tree line. There have been times when I couldn’t see 30 feet from my condo. But the power it represents is awesome.
Here we needed the rain. Our spring had been extremely dry. These rains will balance out the moisture we require. Afterall we’re in a fairly tropical location. Our palm trees and foliage need lots of rain.
Tuesday 30 July, 2024 10:11 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
With temps near 100, I’ve been staying inside. I notice the dog walkers on the path behind my condo are fewer. Of course many snowbirds are up-north. When you go around Kings Point you can tell there are a lot of absent folks. (Storm shutters are down, deck furniture stored, blinds drawn.)
Thursday 4 July, 2024 9:53 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I have an invitation to a 4th of July party/barbeque but I’m staying home. I know Sophie doesn’t like fireworks so I’ll keep her company and make sure she’s not frightened. At my condo the bangs start early.
Friday 28 June, 2024 6:49 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I have no energy (no zip) and I zone out, but I’m over my covid. Unfortunately my pollen allergies have flared up, but with nasal spray and lots of rest, I’m doing ok.
Thursday 30 May, 2024 10:49 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Thursday –
Finally, I see a little light at the end of the tunnel. I’m finally improving.
Last Saturday (six days ago) I felt like I was catching a cold. Since I’ve avoided any colds or flu since 2020, I was kinda surprised. Unfortunately it got worse and worse.
I tried three times to test for Covid but all tests were negative until Tuesday (two days ago). Now it’s been verified that I have it! I contacted my doctor and was able to set up a video conference with a doctor. She said I’m doing everything right and the fact I was so on top of innoculations and boosters reduced the severity of my case. She said I might be good enough to do my Squad day Friday.
Today is Thursday. I am still under the weather but I was successful finding a sub for tomorrow.
I am getting better but sure don’t feel like covering my job at the Emergency Squad.
What I’ve discovered about my Covid:
The foggy brain was real. I couldn’t think straight.
My taster is messed up! (But I’m not hungry.) Even water had an off-taste.
At least one of the meds I bought (Mucinex or Nyquil) must have Aspartame in it because I get that queasy feeling.
Even my teeth hurt.
I had a real chill most of the time. I wore winter weight long pants and a long-sleeved top.
Sunday –
Saturday I thought for sure that I’d be over my Covid. My cleaning lady was supposed to come so I picked up my place to get ready for her (although I’d sent her a message saying she shouldn’t come but didn’t know if she’d received it). She showed up but I stopped her in the garage and explained that I have had Covid. She didn’t want to come in so she got back in her car and left. By the time I let her know and got back in the house, I had almost fainted. I was so weak and ill. It was the worst I’d felt. I was really zoned out.
Today I have turned the corner. It’s Sunday and I feel pretty good. I’m about 75%. Not perfect but much much better!!
I even ate a little today. Nothing heavy but about 1/2 a chicken kiev breast with rice.
I really feel that my physical therapy was the reason I contracted Covid. They don’t sterilize the equipment we handle. The balls, the stretchy hose, etc. were all used by others.
Friday 3 May, 2024 11:53 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
My long-time Michigan friend, Linda Conklin, flew in to stay with me starting on Tuesday, the 30th. She’ll be heading home early early Tuesday, the 7th. We’re enjoying a fun visit. We’ve had several nice meals (including lunch at Plaza Mexico), South Clubhouse with the Brooks and the Coopers, and brunch with Caroline Cooper. Tomorrow is the Kentucky Derby horse race (on the North Clubhouse big screen). It’ll be a lively party complete with a hat contest and excellent buffet.
Linda left on Tuesday, the 7th
Unfortunately she had a few bad days with severe pain in her right leg. The day before she was to leave, we went to Plaza Mexico (for the second time) and when we got ready to leave, Linda’s leg was spasming and extremely painful! She had me drive her to South Bay Hospital’s Emergency sevice. They prescribed major pain killers. We finally got back home. She left early early early on the 7th (at 4am) I woke up early and helped her finish packing.
Squad was that day and I was pooped!! Don’t recall ever being that worn out but I’ve recovered.
Monday 22 April, 2024 2:31 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Finally I’m organizing things here in my condo.
The big job will be the cleaning out of my garage. Handyman Rick will teardown the half wall which is in front of my golf cart. The workbench and several of the old cabinets will go to the dump.
I’m having a new friend, Todd Byers, detail my car. He’ll take some of the junk and a cabinet.
Tuesday 16 April, 2024 7:16 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
One thing that concerns me when thinking of bad storms, is the possibility that heavy rain could come across my lanai and sneak under my front door. Several times it’s come close, but never made it into my great room. (A couple times it was within inches.)
Today I bought four re-useable flood barriers for my door. They look like pillows but act like sandbags. They are sandless. Hope I won’t need to use them but for $18.99 I’ll be prepared!
Sunday 7 April, 2024 9:47 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Back in 1991, John and I joined the hammered dulcimer community. John built his first dulcimer and we bought one (John Kelly was the builder). For several years John had been mesmerized by the music produced by a fellow named Mike Berst who would come to Saginaw events and make awesome sounds with his hammered dulcimer. Mike told John about an event in Evert, MI… the Original Dulcimer Players Club Funfest (aka ODPC).
Friday I was asked to help with an article for the ODPC’s newsletter. I included a comment that a “busker” introduced us to dulcimer music. I have tried for several days to come up with his name and it finally came to me. It was Mike Berst.
Wednesday 6 March, 2024 4:05 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I believed a “FINAL NOTICE” postcard which said I need to renew the warranty on my 2020 Honda CRV. I went to website for the company shown on the card annd paid $3,711 for three years. Within a day I realized I’d made a mistake. The company name wasn’t on any of the emails I received and they had no webside. I cancelled the account. I didn’t believe they are reliable.
Instead I went with Endurance (the #1 company nationally).
On my birthday, Paul Hunt reminded me that I have coverage because I bought my car less than three years ago and at that time I purchased insurance for at least five years or 50,000 miles. Today I went through my files and found my paperwork from when I bought the car.
I am covered for ten years or 100,000 miles so I don’t need to renew my insurance.
I called Endurance and cancelled that coverage too. I got all of my money back from both of my mistakes.
I must be more suspicious of stuff that says I need to buy it.
I also found a monthly charge on my credit card that I haven’t authorized. I cancelled it too. (It’s under $10 monthly but I am not getting anything from that fee.)
I am rich but won’t be for long if I don’t watch things more closely!!!
Wednesday 6 March, 2024 12:50 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Foresee is the company that I use to check the progress of my macular degeneration.
I got a call from my eye doctor that Forsee wanted me to have my vision checked on sort of an emergency basis so I went in today. My vision is stable. No need for concern. I’m relieved!!
For some time today I can’t do much. My eyes have been dialatedand therefore everything is super glarey and blurry.
It’s worth it to know that I’m doing ok. My vision is better than 20/20 and no appreciable depreciation.
But boy is it bright out there!!!
Monday 4 March, 2024 5:04 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I worked at the Emergency Squad this morning. It was a pleasant day with a sweet substitute who worked with me.
Since it was my birthday, lots of folks wished me a good one. It’s like being with “family.”
At 5:30 I’ll be picking up Paul Hunt and driving us to the Southclub where we’ll enjoy a dinner. Paul is nearly blind so I’ll be doing the driving. He’s older than I am (by at least 10-15 yearss). We’re just friends. (Mom and Hoagie were Paul’s good friends.)
Since I know I’ll pay premium for a glass of wine at the Club, I’m having one now.
I won’t be out late. Promise!
Monday 26 February, 2024 4:46 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I won tickets to a concert. It was called, Alan Freed’s Big Beat show at the I.M.A. auditorium in Flint, Michigan, on April 13, 1958. The show featured 17 top attractions, including some of rock and roll’s biggest stars: Jerry Lee Lewis, Chuck Berry, The Diamonds, Frankie Lymon, the Crickets featuring Buddy Holly, Shirley and Lee, the Big Bopper and several others. (I hope I didn’t forget nor add any act.)
I also took my two daughters to their first concert at Pine Knobb. It was the first concert at that venue and featured David Cassidy. They each got to bring a friend. Click on this link: First Concert for my daughters The price for the best seats in the house, the expensive ones up front under the pavilion, you would have to part with seven hard-earned dollars. (We were way up in front.)
Tuesday 20 February, 2024 8:02 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
In the past couple weeks I’ve been tending to my health. My checkup with Dr. Marquez showed that all my “numbers” are ok. My blood pressure is a little high, cholestraole better than last year.
Yesterday I had a chest x-ray to see if there’s a reason why I’m always out of breath. Also had a mammogram. Both reports show I’m “normal.”
I am pleased to hear that the tests haven’t discovered any problems, but I’m still fearful that running out of air isn’t “right.”
Monday 19 February, 2024 7:58 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Sophie has been “butt scooting” for too long. I took her to the vet about a month ago and her anal glands were drained but she’s continued to be miserable and I finally took her back. One of her glands (the right one) was full and bloody. The vet mentioned the possibility of surgery but we’ll first try some oral medication.
It’s stressful for her when we go to the vet so she’s now worn out. She’s napped right beside me since we got home. Hopefully the scooting has been solved.
Sunday 11 February, 2024 3:13 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
When Kelly was here my biggest disappointment was our Christmas dinner. I’d planned a homemade turkey dinner with dressing, cranberry salad, mashed potatoes, gravy, rolls and relishes. When my turkey burned up in the oven, we ended up going to the only place serving in the area, Denny’s, which wasn’t anything to brag about about and lots to complain about! The turkey was ok, but limited. Dressing skimpy and potatoes just acceptable.
For lunch/dinner today I’m fixing a turkey Hormel Square Table meal. If it’s as good as the Square Table beef meal was, I’ll be really happy. I’ll have the whole Christmas meal we missed: Stovetop dressing, cranberries, mashed potatoes and more gravy, with olives for relishes. I don’t have any rolls. I did bake some nut bread.
I’ve now eaten. It was very good. Took about 10 minutes to fix the whole meal.
Thursday 8 February, 2024 8:00 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Every eight days I work at the Sun City Center Emergency Squad. I try to be there shortly after 7 a.m. although the door doesn’t officially open until 7:30. Being at the Squad that early means I need to be up by 6:10. I leave the house before 7:00.
When I don’t have a reason to be up early, I generally stay in bed until after 8 a.m. I love having mornings when I can just sleep in. Often I’ll wake up and read for an hour or two.
Knowing I need to be up early tomorrow, I’ll head to bed about 7:00 p.m. and from bed, I’ll watch a couple favorite game shows (Switch and Split Second). I might read a little on my Kindle device. Everything will be shut down by about 9 p.m. Since I generally wake up several times during the night, I’m lucky to get the suggested eight hours of sleep.
Sunday 28 January, 2024 11:52 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I had meetings galore last week. When I wasn’t at a meeting, I took it easy so I accomplished very little. It was beautiful weather and now I’m wishing I’d enjoyed it more. It’ll only be a high of about 60 this coming week. Tuesday I need to buy some tickets for a Michigan Club event and Thursday is my Squad day.
I don’t mind being idle. I have no desire to go go go. When it gets warmer, I’d like to go to the pool with a good book, but not this week. It’ll be way too cool.
Thursday 11 January, 2024 10:54 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I’ve caught up with my sleep and everything is “normal.” Kelly left and my life’s gpme back to my regular routine.
I went on an evening dinner cruise with Pat Friday, the 4th. I worked at the Squad the 8th. I avoided a bad storm forecast for Tuesday, the 9th. It’s now the 11th and I am having my tree taken down and stored this afternoon.
As I took my ornaments off my tree, I made a list of the boxes where they’re stored. It’ll make it easier if I want to locate the tree topper, or figure out where my crocheted ornaments are stored.
Also Rick Tuberosa stopped in yesterday to work on my investments. I’d spent Tuesday the 9th making sure my banking and personal net worth file was updated. I would accumulate more but I have over $5,000 taken out of my investments monthly and added to my bank account. No sense being frugal and depriving myself of anything I want or need.
Sunday 31 December, 2023 9:31 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Kelly’s back in California. She left EARLY yesterday.
Right now I’m at the Squad. Everything is back to normal.
She and I had a great but eventful holiday.
While she was here we went to the Tampa boat parade. The trip was confused by bus problems but finally we were able to see the lovely decorated boats.
Christmas day I caught the meat thermometer in the turkey on fire so we ate at Denny’s restaurant which
Was okay but not grand.
The gifts I received were nice. Quiet Christmas.
Kelly’s departure was difficult. We hope to get together in the spring of 2025. She’s a great and I wish it was more often, but I understand that she has California commitments.
Friday 22 December, 2023 10:34 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Kelly arrived last Saturday but because of a flight mix-up, it was after midnight when she got here. We talked until 2:30 a.m. My daughter is awesome!
Since her arrival, we’ve gone to a dance and we’ve eaten out most meals. The weather has been overcast and cool. It should improve soon.
She’s determine to get me “moving.” (And I must admit I need exercise so I’m glad to have the motivation.) We went to a “sit and get fit” class Tuesday and I’ve promised her I’ll try to keep it up after she leaves. The classes are Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:30 or 12:30.
We’ve been watching a British series on Netflix, “Call the Midwife.” It’s very enjoyable. It’ll take me forever to get through all the seasons!!
We were supposed to go on a bus trip today but it was cancelled. Tomorrow we have tickets to the boat parade on Tampa Bay. Should be fun.
Christmas is Monday so we’ll probably go to church services Christmas Eve.
Today the only thing on my calendar is taking our turkey breast out of the freezer so it’ll be thawed for our huge dinner Monday.
Saturday 16 December, 2023 8:53 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
It’s taken me a couple months to recover from my cracked tail bone. I’m much better, but I’m also suffering from a bad back (probably because of the strain due to the tail bone). I’m hoping I’ve recovered enough to enjoy the next two weeks.
My daughter, Kelly, is arriving tonight and she’ll be here until the 30th. I’ve scheduled lots of stuff for us to do. Unfortunately the weather isn’t going to be very favorable. Tonight we’re expecting about 3″ of rain!
Wednesday 8 November, 2023 9:52 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I have assumed an Electromagnetic Pulse danger is real. Once an EMP affects us, the power goes out. Cars with any chips in them won’t start. The world is in trouble. It can be produced naturally or as an “attack.”
Recently I’ve read that this problem may just be a hoax. the fictional books I’ve read are fascinating. I’ve believed them. Either way, the text is fascinating.
Problem is I get so involved in what I read that I feel it’s here and now. I get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night but just “know” that there’s no power. I hoard food because I’m sure that’s all I can get. I’ve really fallen for the premise. The end is coming. If it’s true or not, I get carried away and believe.
Thursday 19 October, 2023 7:11 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I’m still using my donut shaped butt pillow but doing better. It is uncomfortable when I “get up,” so I’m still taking it easy. When I’m first sitting, it is almost normal. The longer I sit, the worse it gets.
Friday 6 October, 2023 2:54 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Yesterday I went to lunch with my friend, Pat. The restaurant benches were hard and uncomfortable. The car seats also hurt my behind. When I got home it was hard to get into the house.
The next few days I have a lot to do here (laundry, dishwasher cleaned out and more, prepping for Kathy cleaning) but I don’t need to leave the house. I’ll work and rest, work and rest, etc. I was doing better a couple days ago. I’ll hope to get back to that stage.
Actually it’s not just by tailbone but also my lower back. Because I’m sitting and walking differently, my back is messed up.
Tuesday 3 October, 2023 5:36 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I’m still uncomfortable when I sit or get up and down, but I can tell it’s slightly better.
My donut pillow came. Didn’t resolve everything, but it helps. I have been having a hard time getting stuff done around here. And I’ve had lots of meetings which hasn’t helped.
The extreme hot weather has lowered to a more comfortable temp.
Looking outside right now there’s kind of a haze in the air but the humidity is lots lower.
Friday 22 September, 2023 9:46 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I am tired of having an uncomfortable tailbone. My incident occured almost 3 weeks ago and, although it’s improving, it’s still very painful. I finally looked up the healing time I can expect and it says it can take as long as 12 weeks!!!!!! I had no idea. I finally broke down and ordered one of those donut butt pillows.
Wish it would get here so I could get comfortable.
Saturday 16 September, 2023 9:56 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I’ve been recovering from a bruised tailbone but it’s time to forget about the discomfort and get busy. The work around here won’t get done on it’s own.
Wednesday 6 September, 2023 7:48 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Wednesday (10/06/23)
I have wanted to get an adult tricycle. Found a used one Saturday (the 2nd), I bought it, but didn’t get to try it out until today because I’d put it in the garage and then pulled my car in. The trike was in a confined space and there wasn’t room to get it out. My car hasn’t started since Sunday so I couldn’t get to the trike.
Today (Wednesday) I jump-started the car and took it to Killingsworth’s garage to have a new battery put in. Unfortunately the battery didn’t immediately fix it so my car’s still at the garage and tomorrow they’ll be able to figure out what’s wrong with my car.
When I got home (rode with a lady I met at the garage), my home garage was empty enough so I could take the tricycle out. The step through was a little tall for me but I was able to get put my feet on the petals. Unfortunately when I got on the trike, the seat hit me in the area of my tail bone. I came down on it hard and nearly fainted. It really hurt and it’s still uncomfortable. I’m having trouble getting up and down. I’m miserable.
I realized the tricycle was too big for me so I immediatly sold it (for what I’d paid for it). (Since I couldn’t reach the pedals and sit on the seat it would never work for me.) I think I might still like a smaller one, but my butt area has to heal and it hasn’t yet. I’m miserable.
Friday (10/08/23)
It still hurts. Not as bad as it did but it’s tough moving around. Advil helps. Hopefully it’ll soon heal.
Monday (10/11/23)
Finally I feel pretty good. I decided my tailbone wouldn’t quit hurting until I babied it so I spend all of Saturday and a lot of time yesterday in bed so my weight would be off my butt. I have a little back ache today but my tailbone isn’t complaining. I can sit and get up and down. That’s a real improvement!
I’ll try to take it easy today. No long “sits.” I may even stretch out on the bed. It really has helped.
Tuesday (10/12/23)
I thought I was better today, but I had my hair done and the chairs there were painful. I came home and hit the bed. About 5:30 p.m. I roused up and headed to Winn Dixie and got a few things mainly for Sophie’s 5th birthday. (A gift and a rotisserie chicken.) She loved the chicken.
Wednesday (10/13/23)
I’m finding that I have to be very careful when I sit. Right now I’m on a pillow and leaning forward with my weight on my thighs. I’m fairly comfortable but I know it won’t last. Heat might help. I’ll try my heating pad. (Maybe I’ll stretch out on the bed again. That seems to help the most.)
Thursday (10/14/23)
I’d decided that if I didn’t feel an improvement I’d either go to the Emergency Room for an x-ray, or at least see a doctor. But today it’s been a lot better.
Saturday (10/16/23)
Finally I feel better. Yes, I’m still a little sore but soooo much better!
Maybe I can get some work done around here. I need to clean up the kitchen, do laundry, fold clean wash, and work on the closet.
Sunday 3 September, 2023 6:05 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I love the Jimmy Buffett sound. He was awesome and will be missed!!
His “Margaritaville” is a great tune
Here’s Jimmy’s biggest hit
Jimmy didn’t write this one, but he released a great version of it:
“Brown Eyed Girl”
Here’s a tribute to the man:
It’s an overview of Jimmy Buffett’s life.
The 60 Minutes story
I also enjoy Bob Marley’s “Three Little Birds,” which is sorta the same type of music.
Bob Marley’s “Three Little Birds”
Dont worry about a thing,
cause every little thing gonna be all right.
Singin: dont worry about a thing,
cause every little thing gonna be all right!
Rise up this mornin,
Smiled with the risin sun,
Three little birds
Pitch by my doorstep
Singin sweet songs
Of melodies pure and true,
Sayin, (this is my message to you-ou-ou:)
Singin: dont worry bout a thing,
cause every little thing gonna be all right.
Singin: dont worry (dont worry) bout a thing,
cause every little thing gonna be all right!
Rise up this mornin,
Smiled with the risin sun,
Three little birds
Pitch by my doorstep
Singin sweet songs
Of melodies pure and true,
Sayin, this is my message to you-ou-ou:
Singin: dont worry about a thing, worry about a thing, oh!
Every little thing gonna be all right. dont worry!
Singin: dont worry about a thing – I wont worry!
cause every little thing gonna be all right.
Singin: dont worry about a thing,
cause every little thing gonna be all right – I wont worry!
Singin: dont worry about a thing,
cause every little thing gonna be all right.
Singin: dont worry about a thing, oh no!
cause every little thing gonna be all right!
Monday 28 August, 2023 10:58 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
A hurricane warning is in effect for our area. There has been a lot of hype but I don’t think there’s much to worry about. Yes, I’ve battened down my open patio behind my condo and moved stuff to my screened lanai, but that’s about all. We may get some heavy rain but I’ll be surprised if there’s more.

If it follows the predictions, the storm will affect us Tuesday and into Wednesday. I secured my furniture but still have a few things to take care of.
Sunday 27 August, 2023 5:25 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
My closet organization isn’t completed. I have about 110 outfits hung up using my new chain system. I still have about that many to do to finish. I took a break over the weekend, but I’ll get back at it.
I’m definitely looking for a tricycle. There are a lot of used ones but I haven’t committed to the purchase of one. I need to have it delivered or buy it closeby. No rush. I’ll keep looking.
Monday 21 August, 2023 7:49 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I’ve been reading sci-fi stories about an EMP affecting the U.S.
Q: What is an EMP?
A: An electromagnetic pulse is a burst of electromagnetic energy produced by a nuclear explosion in the atmosphere, considered capable of widespread damage to power lines, telecommunications, and electronic equipment. (I’ve also heard of an EMP occurring when the explosion happened naturally.)
No, I’m not a “prepper.” I haven’t gone over-board stocking up on stuff. Preppers prepare for the worst. Instead I hope for the best.
If an EMP were to hit us, the most noteable effect would be the lost of electricity for a loooonng while. We wouldn’t have the internet nor cell phones. Cars with electronic equipment wouldn’t run (and that’s most of the vehicles since the 1980’s.)
Here in Florida, we’d miss our A/C but that would be easier to endure than the northern states’ loss of power in the winter months when they’d need the heat from a furnace. (But northern states would have a way to use the outside to refrigerate. Here in Florida, we’d have thawed frozen foods, and no cold water.) Folks who are on insulin pumps, or oxygen, wouldn’t have those. Many would pass away. We’d all suffer.
I’m sure my golf cart wouldn’t run because it has too many electronic parts… And how could I charge it? A bike would work, but my balance is lousy. I am seriously looking for a three wheel trike. I’ve found several used ones but I want one that’s closeby or can be delivered. I’ll need to store it in my garage but I’m sure I can make room for it near my stored Christmas tree.
In the stories I read, folks sometimes get a weather warning if the EMP is the result of a natural solar event. But the scientists often under-estimate an approaching storm.
The chances of a powerful solar pulse hitting Earth are estimated approximately 12% within the next 10 years.
The more commonly feared attack would come from another country. Most people assume Russia or China would be the countries most likely to target the U.S. with an EMP. However, a promenent scientist believes North Korea is the more likely culprit.
The Japanese and South Korean military have held recent tests. It’s thought that the Korean test was to prep for an EMP attack because it was a burst set deliberately by the North Koreans at an altitude of 71 kilometers.
The higher the altitude of the missile, the wider the area of destruction.
As a result of an EMP, cars could/would be paralyzed. Airplanes could fall out of the sky. We’d have natural gas pipeline explosions, nuclear reactor overloads. And worst of all, if we had a protracted blackout, it would be a serious threat to the survival of the American people.
No electricity means no pumps to provide enough water needed to irrigate and grow crops; and since America has only a 30-day reserve food supply, 90 percent of the population would likely die within 1 or 2 years of the EMP attack.
A respected scientist said, “Sooner or later, somebody is going to try to do this,” and added, “I’m not saying it’s going to happen tomorrow, but at some point, it will happen.”
So what plans have I made for a possible EMP but I could also use if there’s a hurricane or other power loss?
In addition to getting a proposed three wheeled trike, I already have a camp stove and fuel that can be used inside, coolers, flashlights, battery operated radios, lots of batteries including some that will re-charge my computer and my cell phone and Kindle.
I have a back-up system for wi-fi if Spectrum is out.
I have large plastic bottles in the freezer (which could go in the refrigerator to help keep it cold), two manual can openers, canned food, and even a few bottles of water.
For lights, I have battery operated candles, regular candles, and flashlights. I think I even have some oil lamps and the oil for them.
I don’t have a generator. I know I’m not strong enough to move one around.
I may not be a “prepper,” but I try to always have the things I’ll need in case of a power failure from an EMP, a hurricane, or any other failure.
Today I bought a water filter which would make almost any water drinkable. I could always get water from the pond behind my condo. It was only $25 and will purify over a thousand gallons of cruddy water and make it drinkable.
I haven’t forgotton Sophie. I have several bags of dry dogfood, and lots of her regular canned stuff. There is also frozen Farmer’s Dog food in the garage’s refrigerator freezer.
I guess I’m in pretty good shape.
I am going to look at a used tricycle this week. I need to measure it. I’d like it if I can fit it through a doorway. That way I could store it on my screened lanai. If it won’t fit, I am sure I have a place for it in the garage but the lanai would make accessing it easier.
Saturday 19 August, 2023 4:30 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
For years I have my footware has only been sandals except when I’m required to wear closed toed shoes at the Squad.
A couple years ago, I found a comfortable style of sandal I like so I have them in white and black. Since I wear those exclusively, they’re looking pretty shabby and I’ve been shopping for replacements.
Today I vowed to arrange my closet. I have been doing it in stages. I want to use some special hangers that will allow me to use a vertical hanging chain for ten items in the space of one.
I started my arranging by picking up shoes on the floor of the closet. I’ve just been tossing them in and quite a few had piled up. Several pair don’t fit. There are lots of “heels,” Some I haven’t ever worn and as I’ve aged I’ve quit wearing “heels,” even low ones. Nearly New will benefit. I have lots to donate.
I found I have enough shoes to last me for the rest of my life. I even found a comfortable pair of sandals that are nearly new. I do need some cheap black canvas (tennis) shoes. That’s it! No sandals or dressy shoes.
[Note: The new tennis shoes came and I love them. Much more comfortable than the closed toed shoes I’ve been wearing to Squad.]
My closet isn’t going to be finished today. I’ll need to clear off my bed so I’ll put the clothes I’m working with on the carpeted floor. I am going to take it easy hanging stuff up. Actually I can stretch it out over the next week without a problem.
Note: I’m slowly accomplishing an “organized” closet. I have completed ten chains with about ten hangers each. I still have quite a few I haven’t touched but my floor pile is shrinking.
Monday 14 August, 2023 9:30 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
For some reason my Facebook account wasn’t accessible the normal way. It just flashed on and off. I finally deleted the app and reinstalled it. A couple hours wasted.
And then my Evernote app stopped loading.
I don’t know what I did to mess things up, but finally I have everything back in place. Took forever!!
Sunday 6 August, 2023 1:39 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I can’t believe that I’ve become such a hoarder. There are many items I feel I MUST have in quantity. Stuff I definitely can’t be without. Some of these are items I’ve had/used for years and they are harder to find. Example: I use a hair product called Redken Glass 01. Years ago, it was about $10 a bottle. It’s now discontinued and the price is now sky-high. The only way I can find it is on eBay. My combs are the same.
Here are some of the items (and I’ll keep adding to the list as I remember of their importance.)
Toilet paper
Dial hand soap in dispenser
Liquid make-up
Vagisil in bottle
Reisling wine
Welch’s grape/cherry juice
covid testers
neutrogena bars
dog food
Tide in bags
Dunkin Donuts Hazelnut coffee
Batteries of all sizes
white fluffy rug
Allergy meds
Dental floss
Redken Glass 01
Rechargeable Flashlights
When I like an item of clothing, I often buy a 2nd (or 3rd)
Thursday 3 August, 2023 5:38 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I’ve been having problems with two of my Simplisafe cameras: the one connected to the flood light on the lanai, and one pointed at my aerogarden.
Working with Simplisafe is usually rewarding but the other day when I called, we didn’t fix my problem so they sent me a new “tower” and I only have a few days to send back the non-working one. The new one came yesterday. I was determined to get the new one installed. I called them and the call lasted TWO HOURS. The connection was accidentally disconnected. When I called SS back, I got a different technician but we still weren’t successful getting the two non-working cameras to work. Funny thing is the one which works outside with the flood light records, but I can’t watch it “live.”
I wasted almost three hours. I gave up for today!!
Wednesday 2 August, 2023 8:36 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I have this thing about having a comb close at hand.
My favorite was always a 7″ Goody comb but they are now hard to find and close to $20 for two. On eBay, I was able to locate a “deal.” They aren’t quite as good as the Goodys but not bad and I got 12 for $8.05 including shipping!
I don’t know where the others I’ve previously purchased have gone. I’m sure someday I’ll find them down the side of my couch, in old purses, or some place I’ve forgotten to look.
Sunday 23 July, 2023 11:02 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
My friend, Carl, had a birthday last week when Pat and I went on the boat cruise. His daughter was also visiting him to help him celebrate. I suggested that we plan something after his big day. We settled on Sunday, July 23rd. I’m fixing a slow cooked pot roast with all the trimmings.
I was up at 6:45 to start it cooking. According the the recipe, it might take EIGHT HOURS.
I bought a new six quart slow cooker so I’m not sure how long it’ll take. (I have a tiny one person slow cooker but needed something bigger.)
I have it on high but it still has a long way to go.
I need to run to the store to get some Bob Evans mashed potatoes, apple sauce and dinner rolls. (Might grab some ice cream while I’m at it.) Guess I better get going.
Tuesday 18 July, 2023 7:30 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Here are the two bus trips I’ve purchased for us:
Friday, December 22, 2023 — $36 / by card $37.50 Christmas Lane — Plant City A winter wonderland extravaganza is in its 41st year for the holidays. Christmas Lane will wow you with over 1.5 million lights, over 200 glittering Christmas trees from 4 to 40 feet tall with nightly live entertainment, larger then life, elaborate dancing displays, a Christmas Castle. Enjoy nightly entertainment and performers that will entertain you every half hour. Walk through the Great Light Maze and wander and wonder at the lights and sights as you navigate through the maze. Don’t forget to stop by the gift shop to pick up Christmas gifts or treat yourself to one. Come hungry, to purchase a delectable bite to eat and relax at the Christmas Lane Concession in front of the stage to enjoy the nightly entertainment. You can even pose with Mr. and Mrs. Santa for a great photo opp., during the beloved holidays. Includes Admission Fee. Sign up deadline November 20. Board: 5:15 p.m. Return: Approx. 9:45 p.m.
Saturday, December 23, 2023 — $82.00 / By Card $85.50 Tampa’s Holiday Boat Parade Cruise and Sparkman Wharf Nothing will get you into the holiday spirit like Tampa ’s largest and one of the largest on Florida’s west coast. The parade has about 100 boats decked out and lit up for the holiday lighted boat parade along the Hillsborough River in Downtown Tampa to enjoy this fun -filled cruise with spectacular views of the parade, not to mention all the beautiful holiday lights and decorations along the waterfront. See an abundant of decorations and spectacular light displays that make Christmas in Tampa a dazzling experience. You will also pass by several of the newest lighted bridges Feel the spark of Tampa’s latest outdoor and entertainment destination, where you will enjoy dinner on your own prior to the cruise at Sparkman Wharf a dynamic and vibrant piece of Tampa Bay ’s downtown along the beautiful waterfront and one of the top cultural destinations in the area, with a blend of retail shops, along with an intimate dining garden, biergarten, waterfront views and a variety of options to purchase dinner-dinner cost on your own. Join us in celebrating the best of Tampa— waterfront views, live music, craft beer, and exceptional dining. along the waterfront. Boarding: 3:00 p.m. Return: Approximately 8:00 p.m.
I have reserved both of the above trips.
Tuesday 18 July, 2023 12:48 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Norm Cochran was the president of my association for ten years. His wife, Terre, is a good friend I’d like to know better.
Here’s what I posted on his “obituary wall”.
I am so sad to learn of Norm’s passing. Norm and Terre were always great contributors to our lovely Florida neighborhood. Norm was president of our Kings Point Nantucket V for TEN years. They made our association a friendly, fun place to live. As Norm’s health deteriorated, I would observe Terre taking him for a ride in their golfcart almost daily. It was a reminder of the love and devotion they shared. Norm’s leadership of Nantucket V set an example which no one has equalled. A lovely man and and a great friend! Our neighborhood is emptier.
A candle was lit in remembrance
Friday 14 July, 2023 6:53 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Yesterday was a long-awaited sunset cruise from John’s Pass on the Calypso Boat. Pat and I had purchased our tickets months ago. We were to board the bus at the Methodist church by 4:30. Return would be about 10pm.
There were 55 of us, a very pleasant crowd.
The bus trip to the dock took a lot more time that we’d thought. It seemed we’d never get there. (We figured our driver was lost.) Finally we made it. Dinner was ok. Wine or other drinks were included in our fee.
We arrived so late that we didn’t see the sunset, but it was a pleasant time.
After dinner, Pat and I went out to an elevated deck. We were told we had to move because one of our crowd had collapsed and the ambulance was coming after him. It was the husband of the lady who was in charge. Sad to see them leave by emergency vehicle,
The trip home was much faster than our trip to the boat.
To complicate things for us, my car had failed to start the morning before our planned trip. I had to do the driving since we’d be so late returning and SCC doesn’t allow golfcarts after sunset. I finally got it started, but all kinds of alarms lit up the dash. They were still there 24 hours later, but before I left to pick up Pat, they’d all disappeared and the car ran beautifully. It started right up when we got back to the church.
I made it safely home.
Friday 14 July, 2023 5:50 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I watch the Incredible Dr. Pol a lot. He’s a world famous Michigan vet who has an office close to my Michigan home. Obviously in a busy vet practice there are times when euthanasia is kindest for the animal. I almost always tear up to see the animal “put down.” Yes, I realize it’s best but I still hurt inside.
I read something about pet euthanasia. It said, if you must do it, be there for your animal. They need you and will look for you.
At Dr. Pol’s practice, they light a candle to warm others who are visiting the office when an euthansia is or has been performed. It’a wonderful understanding of what the owner and pet are going through. If I cry at home just watching it, you can imagine how I’d be if the patient was Sophie.
Tuesday 11 July, 2023 7:31 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Over the years I’ve had dreams about a house I lived in back the mid 1960’s. It was a very small all-brick place in Sanford, Michigan. When I say all-brick, I mean ALL of the walls were brick inside and out. There was 6″ of styrofoam between the outter and inner walls.
The living room featured a lovely fireplace and big mahogany beam.
It was hidden away in a setting of huge white pine trees; very nice, but the problem was the size of the place. The one-car garage, tiny kitchen, and very, very small bathroom cramped the place. Overall it was the least impressive of the houses I lived in over the years, but it was undoubtedly the most memorable.
I’m still dreaming about it. Not the place in Frankenmuth with four bathrooms nor the lovely 2,200 ft. place on the lake in Thomas Township. Both of those were much more valuable and lovely but that tiny place in Sanford still makes it into my dreams.
Sunday 9 July, 2023 8:56 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Last week I had a second date with Carl. He’s a nice guy but I’ve been so busy that I have discouraged him from getting together. I know he’s disappointed in me, but I have commitments.
And it’s been really hot so staying inside is adviseable. On a sweltering day, I’d prefer to just watch TV and not entertain anyone.
One of these days I’m going to get a nice chuck roast and fix a really good dinner. I’ll invite him over.
Monday 26 June, 2023 3:16 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I had a date with Carl yesterday. Very pleasant. He’s an interesting conversationalist and not threatening like some guys. (He didn’t give me the feeling he’d attack me, but he definitely showed an interest.)
We had a couple glasses of wine and a nice lunch. He left at an appropriate time.
He is a couple years older than me which feels right. He was widowed about a year ago. He talks freely about his late wife (Diane). It makes for a very comfortable situation.
I hope he calls again.
Saturday 24 June, 2023 6:11 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I am housebounnd (mainly because I prefer staying in). My view is lovely. I really don’t care to leave my place.
Sure I like people but I prefer solitude most of the time.
There’s always stuff I should be doing. I don’t accomplish much. Today I swept the lanai and cleaned up the kitchen. I washed my hair, emptied the waste baskets and got my new small router working. Sophie has gotten a lot of attention. I also watched some TV: a movie, Dr. Pol, and played some online euchre.
I have a gentleman friend stopping by tomorrow. I need to have my place ready for company. He seems really nice and I’m looking forward to being with him. I’ll add more info after our “first date.”
Tuesday 20 June, 2023 7:36 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I had lots of problems yesterday:
Car wouldn’t start,
Jumper battery didn’t want to cooperate,
Computer didn’t have sound,
Computer’s wi-fi failed,
Toilet was leaking,
Everything’s ok now.
Sunday 18 June, 2023 5:27 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I started new lettuce seed pods on June 2nd. They should have sprouted within 3 to 8 days but it had been more than two weeks and they hadn’t germinated. I ordered new pods and started them today. Hopefully this time they’ll take off.
Saturday 17 June, 2023 5:11 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
On the days when I work at the Emergency Squad I’m up about 6:10 a.m. so I can be in place by 7 a.m. Waking up at that time is no problem but by 1 p.m., I’m tired.
I also get up at the same time every two weeks when my cleaning lady comes at 7 a.m.
This afternoon I realized I was really exhausted. Going into my bedroom and messing up my “made” bed didn’t appeal to me. I tried the couch and thought about the loveseat. Nope! Not comfortable enough.
I have a “guest room” which I’d prepped for Linda’s cancelled visit. I went in there and tried it out. I didn’t peel back the blankets, but I grabbed a nice big robe from the closet to use as a blanket. Pillows, and quiet. It was perfect.
Friday 16 June, 2023 5:41 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
One of the ladies who lives on my court called me. She’d lost the keys to her condo and wondered if I knew of a solution to her problem.
I suggested Rick Miles, the handiman. He came over but the place was locked up tight.
I invited her to wait in my place. (We went inside, cutting through my garage.) As she was preparing to call a locksmith, I asked her if she’d checked her purse and she firmly said, “Yes!” Then she checked again and there they were!!
After my neighbor had left, going out the front door, I proceeded to fix my dinner. It was then that I realized that the door from my storage room to the garage was wide open and so was the door from the garage to the outside.
I quickly looked around and couldn’t find Sophie. She was missing!! She never goes out alone. Calling her didn’t get her to come. I was frightened!!
I wasn’t sure if she was still inside or if she was exploring the neighborhood. I looked at all her favorite places to hide inside. Then I went back out looking for her.
She wasn’t in the garage, nor close to my condo.
Then I spotted her laying on a lawn about half way to the entrance of the court. Thank heavens she stood out with her primarily white coat. I called her but she just got playful. At least I knew where she was and it didn’t take me long to get to her and scoop her up. She doesn’t seem to understand how scared I was. She’s my baby!!
It may have been an adventure for her but not for me. She’s sleeping it off now. I’m enjoying a glass of wine.
Thursday 15 June, 2023 12:37 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I prefer a place with very few or NO nick-nacks. I hate clutter. But little by little I have been adding to my decor. Seems like clutter is creaping up on me.
The past couple of days I’ve added an African violet and a framed photo of John. Now I need to see what I can remove.
Looking around my great room I see several items I can eliminate to regain my space. Once I get back to a place that’s not as cluttered, I’ll promise that if I add anything, I’ll remove something else. I think I’ll move the artificial flowers Kelly sent me, the three candles by the TV, the two “fairy trees,” the old vase in the corner and the small ceramic dog.
Once I get rid of those things, I’ll see about emptying more (like the white lantern, the green leaf bowl, things hanging from the fans.)
I have founda shelf in the storage room to put extras to recycle. I’ll take the cardboard box from the garage and fill it with stuff to go to Nearly New. I need to purge.
Wednesday 14 June, 2023 7:22 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
My eye doctor flirted with me today. Told me I was pretty, mentioned how nicely I was dressed (including a comment about my neck chain) and was overly chatty. I was flattered. He is lots younger than me but it still felt good to be complimented.
I also found out today that the president of the Sportsman’s Club is a guy I’m sorta interested in. He’s nice. He’s the guy who sat by me and kept my phone number at the Sportsman’s Club’s dinner on May 8th and contacted me afterward.
Maybe my social life will pick up.
Monday 12 June, 2023 10:34 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I have very little desire to socialize. Dances don’t appeal to me and even calling friends and having phone conversations is a struggle.
Seems like I always have a list of “to dos” and no energy to do them.
I’ve even applied to make Sophie an emotional support dog. Some folks might fake their need to have their pet with them, but not me.
Friday 9 June, 2023 6:29 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Today I woke up thinking that I wanted to hit the road so I could attend Connie Miller’s estate sale which started at 7am. I was having an intestional problem so I didn’t leave home until after 11am.
Before I left for the sale, I wanted to start my car but the battery was dead (AGAIN!!) I’d started it two days ago but just let it run in the garage. Apparently it needed to be driven.
I tried my small auxilliary battery but it didn’t start.
I went to the sale by golf cart, and then got a few groceries.
About 6pm I tried to start the car.
I used the auxilliary battery (after studying the instructions). I don’t think I was grounding the battery sufficiently. Also I needed to pause after pushing the start button. Finally it started. I took about a 15 minute drive around Kings Point to charge it up. I’ll do it tomorrow too.
Friday 9 June, 2023 10:19 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Kings Point offered a covid blood test to determine the presence of antibodies for the disease.
My results came back yesterday:
The message said, “You have antibodies for COVID and the Amicron variant.”
My response was “Yipeeeeee!”
Wednesday 7 June, 2023 3:41 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I have a total of five cameras hooked up to my security system (Simplisafe). A motion sensitive camera watches my front door from the lanai. I also have two in my great room and one in the garage. Recently I added a wireless camera which I’ve had aimed toward my Aerogarden. With it in place I can keep track of when the lights turn on and off.
Unfortunately for the past few days, I couldn’t get the wireless nor the motion sensitive camera to work.
I called Simplisafe and with the help of a technician, we got them working again. It was a problem with an out-of-date app systen. Once the up-date was loaded, everything is working perfectly.
Monday 5 June, 2023 4:47 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
The other day I had a slow-cooked pot roast. I’d cut the meat in half before cooking it. Today I fixed the other half with onions, carrots, and mashed potatoes. It was yummy!!
I guess I can’t deny that some of my cooking is great!! I could even serve it to a friend or date. My little slow cooker is perfect for one person.
The left over meat and gravy can be served with biscuits.
I’m stuffed!!
Friday 2 June, 2023 7:10 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Several months ago, I sold my huge Aerogarden Farm. I knew there was no way to move it and the exterior of my condo was going to be painted which would present a problem. Besides I’d found it was more heavy work than I wanted. (Carrying gallons of water every day was difficult.) I kept a small Aerogarden Harvest Slim which only holds six plants but I only plan to grow lettuce so that size should work for me.
I planted it today with lettuce seeds I had left from my previous gardening attempt. Hopefully they’ll work.
Within 10 days to two weeks I should see green sprouts.
Tuesday 30 May, 2023 7:26 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I went to the Moose Lodge Friday with Pat. There was a decent vocalist but I had a rotten time.
Ken, the fellow I dated for a couple years, was there but he ignored me. (I haven’t heard a word from him in over a year!) He looked good and I’ll admit I wished he’d notice me but he didn’t. Neither Pat nor I had any requests to dance… well, one request each, but that hardly counts.
I don’t care to go through that again!!
A day or two after that Martin Goodstein, who’d taken me to the Sun City Cafe on March 30th for lunch, called me and asked me to go to Circles Restaurant Wednesday. On our previous date, I’d met him at the Cafe so this will be the first time he’s come to my condo.
He’s a very pleasant guy and a good conversationalist.
I’m looking forward to lunch with him tomorrow.
Sunday 21 May, 2023 5:24 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Just talked with Linda who was supposed to arrive here tomorrow. She has a health problem (heart) so she’s forced to cancel. Let’s hope she can make it later.
Tuesday 16 May, 2023 5:48 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
My long-time friend, Linda Conklin, will be coming to visit me in six days. I’ve been preparing for her arrival.
Needed to open the futon. I succeeded. Decided to wash the sheets and make sure everything is fresh. I decided queen size sheets would work better on the bed instead of regular size. I went on Amazon and searched for sheets. I found some that looked perfect but the order said I had already ordered queen size when Kelly last visited.
I went ahead and ordered new ones anyway since I couldn’t find the ones I had previously purchased. I then found the others so I canceled today’s order. I did order new pillows.
Looking through stuff to find specific items, I realize I MUST PURGE!!
Tuesday 16 May, 2023 3:31 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I remembered, before I got out of bed, that it had been quite a while since I’d started my car. Sadly I have learned that a week is the most I can go and expect it to start.
Before I’d even gotten dressed, I went out to the garage and tried. Of course, It didn’t start. It was dead again.
I knew I could call Rick but he’d worked with me both times I’d called him and he’d tried to teach me how to do it. Nevertheless I wasn’t very confident.
But I got the little battery out of the glovebox and read through the instructions.
I combined what I’d learned from Rick with the instructions and I did it!!!!! Yup, I got the car to start!!! Now I know I’ll be able to do it if I’m ever in that situation again.
Saturday 6 May, 2023 4:42 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I have always loved gardenias.
When John and I were married in 1985, I carried a gardenia bouquet and had a gardenia in my hair. John’s boutinniere was a gardenia.
In six days (on May 12th) I will be five years without John. I’m sure it’ll be a day of reflection, but I have obviously learned how to get by.
I just ordered two gardenia plants to go on my lanai which will be delivered that day. i know I can’t be closed up in the house with them because I’ve become sensitive/allegic to their lovely aroma. But the lanai will be a perfect place.
Saturday 6 May, 2023 10:26 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Monday morning I have a Nantucket V board meeting. I need to write up the president’s report but that shouldm’t take long.
Later in the day, Monday, I’m going to a Sportsman’s Club dinner and comedy show. I’m going alone. I figured I don’t need a date. I know Pat would go with me, but I will do fine solo.
Speaking of “solo,” I had a phone conversation yesterday with a guy I met on “Our Time” dating app. His description sounded great. But our telephone conversation taught me otherwise. He was obnoxious. He’s a strong Trump supporter who couldn’t/wouldn’t shut up about his distain for the current goverment. He claimed covid wasn’t real.
His vanity was unbelievable. He raved about his vocal talent.
I couldn’t get rid of him fast enough.
Thank heavens it was a phone conversation and not an in-person date. I hope he never calls back.
Monday 1 May, 2023 9:20 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Last week I wrote about Seasonal Affected Disorder which I felt I was experiencing because all of my windows had been covered with opaque plastic so the exterior of my condo could be painted. I had no sun, no idea of the weather, no way to watch folks who use the cart path. My life was so different. It was like being in a cave.
But after five or six days now I can see out. And Sophie was fascinated looking at all that was going on out the windows.
I’m purring.
Sunday 30 April, 2023 9:18 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
My blog: I know no one reads it, but I love to write and it’s kinda like a diary. It’s not for some big audience. It’s for ME.
Sunday 30 April, 2023 6:57 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I should have known something was wrong when I slept in to about 9:30!!!! I never sleep in. 7:00 a.m. is actually kinda late for me, but this morning was different.
I kinda lazed around until about 2:00 when it hit me! …. A horrible gastric problem which kept me in the bathroom for almost an hour. When I finally “finished” I went back to bed. And I slept.
I haven’t eaten much.. just a bowl of cereal and a couple slices of toast with jam.
Saturday 29 April, 2023 4:55 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I was advised that my VISA card had been compromised again!! It’s the one that I never carry with me and it’s only used for autopayments and on-line transactions. To switch cards where I have accounts takes a half day or more. I love the convenience of having the card numbers recorded so the payments are automatic but I’m thinking that that service may not be worth it. I have a list of about fifteen payments that come out of that card. I’ve changed Amazon, Spectrum, Paypal and three or four others. Some are difficult to switch. If I miss an update, I’m sure the company will contact me when my payment fails.
Saturday 29 April, 2023 12:14 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I’m hooked on the TV show, “The Incredible Dr. Pol.” It’s a series of episodes featuring an awesome Central Michigan Vet, Dr. Jan Pol.
He and his crew of vets drive around Central Michigan (my old stompin’ ground).
I never realized that during the winter/spring seasons, the cars/trucks in Michigan get so muddy. Here in Florida, I rarely see mud on vehicles (lovebugs yes, but mud no). And rust doesn’t happen. In fact, you can tell a car that’s done duty in the northern states. A quick examination will tell you if the car was on salted streets/roads.
Saturday 29 April, 2023 10:12 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Seasonal Affected Disorder (AKA “SAD”) is a problem I experienced when I lived in Michigan. The gloomy days during the winter months really affected my mood. Residing in Florida fixed that condition but this week it has returned.
On Thursday all of my condo windows were covered with sheets of opaque plastic while the exterior of my condo is painted. Since the painting isn’t complete, eight windows and a three-panel sliding door are still covered. I can’t see anything outside and I miss the view. I can’t tell if it’s raining, sunny, foggy or whatever.
I definitely find myself in a funk!
Wish they hadn’t left it this way over the weekend. I sure would have appreciated a view!!
Friday 28 April, 2023 6:40 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I’ve heard tests are frequently administered to show the progress of dementia. I think i’m ok, but I would have a problem if I was asked to quickly state what season we’re in. Here in Florida I lose track of the time of the year. I know it’s April (soon to be May) but what season are we heading into? Sure I could figure it out.
We always went back to Michigan the first week of May (after the Kentucky Derby which is the first Saturday of the month). We’d do our return trip in October, or late September.
Since I now stay inside most of the time, I don’t really don’t care about the weather. I am certainly aware that summer here is horribly hot and since the peak of summer has always been June, July and August, I need to avoid those months. I do know that December is generally one of the coldest months here because that’s when Kelly comes to visit.
The hurricane season officially begins on June 1, and ends on November 30. It gets lots of hype so there’s no way you can miss those warnings.
I do love Florida weather because most of the time it’s not extreme.
I’ve been watching “The Incredible Dr. Pol” and he is in Michigan, near where I lived. I see the lousy winter weather in his winter episodes and I don’t miss it.
So back to the title of this post, most of the time, I would fail if someone asked me to quickly state what season we’re in.
On first quick guess I’d say it’s Spring because the Spring break kids just left Florida, and lots of the snowbirds are heading north.
Friday 14 April, 2023 6:39 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I have been tired all day so I haven’t accomplished much. (Examples: dishwasher still full of clean dishes, clothes to be washed, garbage to be taken to the curb.)
I decided to get moving and the filters in my four air purifiers need to be changed so I started. I’d purchased two and they were installed quickly but I couldn’t find the other two which I thoght were stored in my storage room (on top of the cabinets). In the process of reaching for a box I though they might be in, the cardboard container fell apparently hit the electric outlet.
It all checked out, but my wifi wasn’t working. I tried everything and finally called Spectrum, my carrier. They had some suggestions but no success so a service guy was scheduled for their first available appointment on Sunday.
Sure I could survive without wifi for two days, but I wasn’t happy. I was determined and had a few ideas. The lights on the router weren’t lit but the plugs were securely in the outlet.
I took a flashlight and went out to the circuit board in the garage. Everything was ok, but then I remembered the strange circuit breaker over the freezer. (When it’s out the bathroom plugs and outdoor outlets won’t work.) Sure enough, it had popped. The button was hard to get to but when I clicked it, the wifi resumed. If the service guy had tried to fix it, he never would have thought of that circuit breaker.
Monday 10 April, 2023 9:13 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Because my new trust requires that my banking accounts are in the trust name, I’m in the process of opening two new accounds at my Chase Bank. I really only need the checking account but having a savings account has always been the way I’ve done things. I will probably do the two while I’m at it. I’ll then move the $$ from my current Chase accounts to the new accounts.
Actually I’m thinking I’ll keep my current accounts so I can make sure that any direct deposits get to me. I have a tax refund of over four thousand coming and my Schwab account, my Dow and my St. Mary’s retirements all are directly deposited. Gradually I’ll notify those payors and have the $$ go to my new trust account. Only when I’m sure I have things correctly coming to me will I cancel the current accounts.
Friday 7 April, 2023 8:29 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
This morning, for some reason I wanted to remember the name of a doctor who was also a friend when I worked at St. Mary’s Medical Center. He was a sweetheart of a guy and my physician.
Try as I might, I couldn’t remember his name!
Little by little memories came back to me.
It seemed like his last name started with C and it was fairly short.
I was sure his first was a common one.
I could remember he had a large sail boat which he ran in races and one year took a months long trip in it. During that journey he sent me emails (and also to many others).
Emailing me was understandable because I’d taught him how to connect on the internet. (Remember this was back in the 1980’s so emailing was new.) He’d come to my office before work and I’d show him how this new opportunity worked.
I recalled going to a retreat sponsored by St. Mary’s where we imbibed in adult beverages. But he was always a total gentleman and just a friend. I remembered he had a brother who was also a doctor and he lived on Saginaw Bay. He married a nurse about about the same time I married John.
It finally came to me. His name: Dr. Donald Cady. According to his obituary, which was easy to find, he had died in 2020. (Just a few years ago.)
I was right about a lot of my memories of him. He was 96 when he died!! He married his wife, Jan, September 28, 1985. (John and I married September 10, 1985.)
Here’s a link to his obituary
Wednesday 29 March, 2023 4:27 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Today I went to the Veterans Theater (at the North Clubhouse). We were introduced to plans for a new Moffitt Center facility which will be constructed about 3 miles west from Kings Point (on SR674). It will be located less than a mile from the I-75 ramps. The property has been purchased and is located at the intersection of East College Avenue and 27th Street South.
While listening to their information I couldn’t help but think of how my late husband John would have been helped rather than having to drive to Moffitt in Tampa frequently. As his disease progressed I had to take over driving and I was scared to death but I did it. We were almost killed on I-75 after coming back from Moffit and I never took I-75 again. True, he didn’t have cancer, but he had frequent CT scans and even some biopsys. I can see friends and neighbors needing to go for those services.
My friend, Connie, who died in January, also had to drive to Moffitt.
The 75,000-square-foot outpatient center will offer these services:
Screening and diagnostics
Advanced imaging
Clinical lab services
Blood draw
Medical oncology
Radiation oncology
Clinical trials
As I listened, I became totally convinced that this facility is going to be a great addition to the area. I took out my checkbook and wrote a generous check to Moffitt. I hand-carried the check to my good friend Matt Permuth who haa vested interest in this project since his sister died less than a year ago after fighting valently with Moffitt’s resources trying to help. Had she been diagnosed earlier, she might have survived.
(Matt is also the General Manager and regional Vice President of Vesta (Kings Point’s management company). Matt hugged me and cried. He introduced me to his father who will match my contribution doubling it.
I did the right thing. Moffitt is becoming recognized as one of the best cancer treatment facilities in the nation. (I wish I could get my brother, Denny, to come down for treatment.)
Tuesday 28 March, 2023 6:42 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I haven’t had any dates or interaction with any men since Gene ghosted me in early February. (I know the date because we were supposed to have a Valentine’s date but he was gone by then.)
I have met a couple nice guys (Bill who was at two Michigan Club activities and I danced with him) and a couple on-line guys who sounded interested but haven’t responded to me yet.
I really don’t want a “steady” or “demanding” guy, but I miss male interaction. I talk to Pat a lot and to Linda Conklin about every week. Of course daughter Kelly and I talk, but that’s it. My circle of friends has shrunk because I rarely go out. I’ll be glad when the pool is open and weather is right because meeting folks there will be possible.
Sunday 19 March, 2023 8:33 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
According to her vet, Sophie’s overweight. (Guess she takes after her mom.) I bought several large orders of Farmer’s Dog food that is advertised as being very good for your pet. She doesn’t like it. I still have about 40 meals of it but she sticks her nose up at it.
I’ve found she really loves chicken. I’ve fed her rotisserie chicken which she loves but I don’t know if she’s getting all the nutrition she needs.
So I went shopping and found CESAR WHOLESOME BOWLS Adult Soft Wet Dog Food Chicken Recipe. It breaks down to a cost of $2.94 per meal with two or three meals suggested a day. (It’s $15.78 a pound!!) That’s a lot less than Farmer’s Dog. But then I looked further.
Iams, Nature’s Recipe, and Pedigree have similar dinner’s. Pedigree’s is only $4.43 a pound, Nature’s Recipe is 45 cents per meal (two or three suggested), $1.92 per pound for Pedigree, $2.77 per pound for Iams.
No wonder Sophie likes the Cesar. Next I’ll try Nature’s Recipe. It appears to be mostly chicken with some vegetables (like sweet potatoes and carrots).
When you open the meal and it smells good, you can be sure that it’s probably tasty. I really like the smell of the Cesar’s. I can see why folks eat dog food, but at the price of that kind, it’s a pricey meal!!!
Friday 17 March, 2023 2:11 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
This morning I headed for a 9:30 Federation meeting at the North Clubhouse. The description of the Federation says that the membership meetings are on the third Friday of the month. That would be today, but I missed a comment at the bottom of the list of meeting dates: “Per the Federation Bylaws the Annual Membership & Election Meeting and the Organizational Meeting is held on the last Friday in March.”
There was no meeting. The room wasn’t ready for the Federation members. I will try again on the last Friday (the 31st).
Sunday 12 March, 2023 3:03 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
It’s been a while since I’ve felt I needed to turn on the heat to take the chill off. We have had daily highs in the mid 80’s. I think it’ll cool down some this coming week.
Since I stay in most of the time, I really don’t pay much attention to the outside temp but at a gathering of neighbors they were complaining.
I do want to go to the pool but right now it’s spring break time so there are probably no chairs available. I am becoming a regular hermit. I must change my ways!!
I wouldn’t mind playing cards face-to-face with live people.
I have lots to do anyway: the trust, paperwork for Nantucket V, organizing closets, laundry, etc. I really need to structure my life better. Glad I don’t have a guy in my life to distract me.
I vow to work harder.
Tuesday 7 March, 2023 8:00 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
The notary came today to get my trust notarized and things resolved. I sadly discovered everything’s a mess.
Example, I thought one annuity was worth about $50,000 but I was double counting it. I’ll feel better when everything has been reviewed and I know the numbers are right.
I can’t pass this mess on to Kelly. I need to be certain all the accounts are correctly identified and the trust is funded. As it stands now, I am still comfortable, but things are a mess.
Saturday 4 March, 2023 5:26 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
My plan to celebrate my birthday was to go to the North Clubhouse garage sale in the morning, and eventually end at the South Clubhouse bar. Then I decided maybe the Saturday evening bingo would be fun. But as the day progressed I decided I would just as soon stay home and binge-watch movies alone.
Kelly’s birthday gifts to me were fun. She had a whole box of individually wrapped small items. It took over 30 minutes to unwrap everything. She also sent me a freezer container to put stuff into four cup sized portions. Perfect for a single lady.
Friday 3 March, 2023 8:25 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I don’t mind being 80 but 81 sounds MUCH older. Tomorrow when I wake up I’ll have crossed into that new designation. I guess it’s better than the alternative.
Problem is, I know that every year older takes you closer to the end.
I talked to a lady yesterday. Her mother had at 105,5. Maybe I’ll beat her life-span. I can hope.
My plan was to go to the annual garage sale in the North Clubhouse at 4pm, but it was really windy and the more I thought about buying more clutter, the less I wanted to do it so I skipped the sale.
I’m watching TV after a chicken pot pie.
I’m sure feeling better this week!!
Wednesday 1 March, 2023 8:20 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Most of the time, my memory is just ok, but today I surprised myself.
I couldn’t find my car’s key (you know, the fob kind that is expensive to replace). I have two. I went through my whole purse and pockets. I knew the last time I used a key was last Wednesday and that it was probably the other one.
As I was about to give up, I looked in the back storage compartment. It just seemed that I very faintly (a couple of weeks ago) remembered taking it out of a pocket and putting it in there rather than risk losing it. Yup, there it was.
At my age, I realize most folks would be able to rack their brain and come up with the location, but I did it.
Saturday 25 February, 2023 5:24 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I’m going to be 81 next week (March 4th). I’m not in great shape. As if that’s not enough to attract a thief, I’m what most folks would think of as “financially comfortable.”
But I live in a lovely gated community with guards. Unfortunately even within our gates, folks have been robbed.
I have a monitored Simplisafe security system which, if tripped, will notify the sheriff’s office. For several years, I have had three cameras (one in the garage and two in the great room). I also have three “Alexas” which I installed because if I fall and can’t get up, I can ask Alexa to call the Emergency Squad. Recently I added a new outdoor camera on my lanai and I have another to set up asap. I also have a panic button beside my bed.
I’ve had folks say that I don’t need all this and I hope they are right, but I feel I’m better being over rather than under protected.
My condo isn’t the most valuable (only about $300,0000, but I won’t begin to estimate what things are worth in my condo. I have jewelry, bonds, cash, and electronics. I have a flashy 14kt gold chain that weighs well over 20 grams. My little dog, was nearly $5,000!!!
I dress nicely and have a late model car. I have a regular cleaning lady and a handyman. My musical instruments are worth well over $10,000. I don’t owe a penny. All my expenses are covered monthly by my investment income.
I won’t tell you what my investments are worth but more than I ever imagined.
So do you think I’m being overly protective? I feel like I’m the most vulnerable I’ve ever been.
Thursday 23 February, 2023 5:58 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I purchased a new outdoor camera that also turns on a flood light if it picks up motion. I had a scare one night and I decided the camera would help me sleep and feel safe.
That night Sophie stood at the door and barked. She usually barks only when someone comes to the door but that night she continued. Thinking back on it, I believe it was wind blowing stuff around.
I purchased a new Simplisafe outdoor camera that I had Rick mount in my lanai. From it I can see anyone who enters my lanai and/or goes to my door. It arrived a few days ago but it wasn’t installed. Today I determinedly got it working.
Simplisafe also made a new wireless camera available so I got one of those. I’ll probably put it on the top of my kitchen cabinets. I’ll be able to see anyone who is moving around inside my condo.
I know my condo is extremely safe but since I’m a wealthy widow, I figure I should protect myself. I have lots of valuable jewelry and other items that could attract a thief and I’m totally alone. I don’t mean to flaunt it but people who know or have seen me know that about me. Sophie would warn me but she’s so friendly and tiny that no one would be scared away.
Thursday 23 February, 2023 5:24 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I love autopayments for reoccurring charges, but changing card information is a royal pain in the butt. Even though I gave Hillsborough County new card information an old card was automatically used when I renewed my car’s license tabs this morning.
While checking on that problem, I discovered my Verizon account is still using an old card. I just finished making sure my new card is used everywhere. It took over two hours!!!!! I think the secret is CANCELING the old card and starting over. Updating isn’t possible. Thank heavens I discovered that when the old card is used, if you’ve requested, it will forward to the new one for a lengthy period.
Sunday 19 February, 2023 1:41 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Prices are sky-high. My investments have lost a lot of their value. Why?
It all started in early 2020 with the pandemic. Jobs were lost, government expenses went up. We have recovered some but things are still a real mess.
And the pandemic isn’t over. The Squad was informed today that because of a huge surge in cases, we must re-mask. I’m willing. I don’t want to catch Covid. I’ve been protective of myself and after being so careful, I’m not willing to risk catching it. So I’ll mask as long as necessary.
I wish I could blame someone, but I can’t. Trump didn’t help the situation by hesitating to respond but I realize it would have hit us no matter who was in charge.
Here in Sun City Center, the cost of renting has gone up for businesses and several have closed: the bulk food place, the German restaurant, Fiore’s Restaurant, and now Tuesday Morning, a novelty store.
Because of hurricanes and an apartment building collapsing, insurance has risen by about 40% for everyone. My HOA fees have been impacted.
They tell us that our places are worth 40% more so it’ll all even out, but I don’t want to sell so the increase in value only costs me more in taxes. My condo owners fees have gone up over $64 a month
My finances are a mess!!
Shoppers complain about the cost of meat, eggs and milk. Restaurants have raised their prices.
I hope life returns to the successes we felt before. My million $$ in reserve may not last like I’d expected.
Wednesday 15 February, 2023 12:21 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Maybe I should examine my personality. I have been sorta involved with Ken and Gene and they’ve both disappeared from my life.
I attribute the lack of continuing interest to the fact that I’ve informed these fellows that I don’t really want to be in a “relationship.” My little dog is more important to me than they are. I’m not interest in sex and truly don’t mind being alone. I guess that’s enough to discourage even the most interested of suitors.
Or maybe I’m fooling myself. Maybe they tire of me because I’m lacking some quality men want. I guess there’s no reason to be too concerned. In both cases I knew they weren’t right for me.
Monday 13 February, 2023 10:24 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
With Gene out of the picture, my quiet life has resumed. I don’t mind. I’d like an occasional date but I don’t mind my time alone. It’s going to be chilly for a few days so staying in will be fine. I have nothing coming up until a meeting Wednesday at 3:00 and a morning meeting Friday. Maybe I’ll go to the Euchre game at the North Clubhouse tomorrow evening.
Sunday 12 February, 2023 5:29 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I was genuinely sick for over a week. I didn’t go any place nor did I want to be with anyone. My only time away out of my condo was Wednesday, February 1st. when I went to Tampa Downs Racetrack. (Since I’d purchased the four tickets for my party, it had cost me $128.) I felt I had to go because others were counting on me and by that day and I did feel a lot better.
I have been completely honest with Gene.
The 8th he said he was sick and we decided that our date that day to go to Front Porch Pickers was off. I had purchased tickets for the Michigan Club party on the 10th. We canceled that date too.
I had no reason to feel he wasn’t being honest. Before I was ill, we had been talking or texting several time a day but it’s stopped completely. I haven’t heard from him at all. I finally called and emailed him. He replied but just that once. He doesn’t seem to be interested any more.
Is he ghosting me?
Yes, he ghosted me? I even sent him a message: “Will I ever see you again?” NO REPLY!!
Thursday 9 February, 2023 1:48 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
For the past few weeks I’ve enjoyed the company of a sweet fellow and excellent musician. He seemed to understand when I couldn’t see him because I was in the bathroom most of the time. He was playing his guitar every night near his rental unit in Winter Haven (which is about an hour away).
Wednesday (yesterday) he woke up with Covid symptoms. (At least my diarrhea wasn’t one of the signs of Covid.) He had night sweats and a bad headache. It’s still hanging around.
I purchased tickets for a Michigan Club dance at the North Clubhouse tomorrow night featuring an excellent, fun duo, Latitudes. This morning Gene and I cancelled our plans for tomorrow. I don’t want to risk being with him, if there’s a chance I could catch Covid or the flu from him.
I’m planning to go by myself. I probably won’t stay very long anyway so asking Pat, or someone to go with me, doesn’t make sense. I plan to go by golfcart and there’s a good chance of rain about 9:00 pm. The dance starts at 6:00. I’ll plan to leave before 8:00.
Monday 6 February, 2023 8:20 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
After reading what causes the kind of gastro intestinal distress I have been suffering from, I’ve decided it may have been an application of dental fluoride to my teeth. I had the treatment just before I started feeling badly. According to posts, some people have a reaction when it’s applied to their teeth. The article said, you may have queasyness and sensitive reaction.
Or maybe it was the sleep aid I’ve been taking. I’ve decided to cut out those capsuls.
My symptoms make it look like I’ve been exposed to something I’m allergic to.
Friday 3 February, 2023 5:02 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
After too long, I finally think I’m feeling better. I’ve had diarrhea since last Saturday. I’m feeling almost normal today. I still had a session early this morning but nothing since then and I have a bit more energy.
I know Gene, the fellow I’ve been seeing for a couple weeks, has felt neglected, but I couldn’t entertain him while running to the bathroom. We have two dates coming up on Wednesday the 8th and Friday the 10th. Hopefully by then I’ll be normal. He’s been pushing me to come over, but I’ve been firm that I need to rest up and get over this first. I don’t know if he realized how sick I’ve been but finally I see the end of it.
Thursday 26 January, 2023 2:34 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Today I changed Sophie’s healthcare provider from Dr. Waldy who has always been at the Ruskin Vet Hospital to a new doctor, Pam McGinnis, at the Sun City Center Veterinary Clinic. I never had any complaints about the treatment Dr. Waldy gave her. He was a gem! But Ruskin is a bit of a trip and Dr. Waldy is retiring so I’d need to take her to a new doctor anyway. It seemed like a good time to find a local doctor for her. I can even take her on my golf cart.
Monday 16 January, 2023 11:31 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Will life ever return to the “safe times” we enjoyed before Covid?
Those I’ve asked feel that the changes are here to stay. I am sure that returning to pre-Covid won’t happen “in my lifetime.”
I would love to go back to the pre-mask days. The time when “social distancing” wasn’t a polite request.
I loved Kings Point when we mingled freely but things are more restrictive now. I still like it here but now Portico Pick-Up is an option. Masks are required in hospitals and doctors’ offices.
Being opposed to vaccinations is a reason for me to “avoid” close-up contact. Yes, I’ve stayed away from males who were opposed to vacs.
I got Sophie in December 2018 and Covid really kicked in March 2020. (Kings Point shut down completely on March 18, 2020.) If I hadn’t had her when everything closed down, I’d have gone crazy. I appreciated her more that I’d ever imagined. Losing John was tough but made easier by her. Admittedly Covid made her even more valuable to me.
It doesn’t seem strange to see folks shopping with a mask on. I watched a New Years Eve party on line and some folks were dancing “masked” and it wasn’t noteworthy.
To feel secure, I will forever need an ample supply toilet paper and tooth paste.
Before Covid, I had manicures but non since. I had to go through the painful “grow-out” of my nails. Never again so I won’t risk having them. I realize caring for my own is good enough for me.
Yes, I feel the impact of Covid will forever be with us me.
I didn’t bring up the change in the nation’s financial situation. Homes, groceries, and gas prices have all escalated as a direct result of Covid. Restaurants closed, people lost jobs, the economy really went downhill.
Sunday 15 January, 2023 1:42 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Friday night at about 2:00 a.m. I was awakened by Sophie barking in at the front door. I was a little afraid that someone might be on my lanai.
Yesterday I ordered a camera/security light from Simplisafe. It doesn’t require wiring and will feed to my app so I can monitor it inside.
I plan to locate it on my lanai with a view of the door into the condo and maybe the screened door into the lanai. Should make me feel safer. The light is motion sensitive.
Sunday 15 January, 2023 1:00 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I’m becoming closer to neighbors, the Junniers (Pam and Randy). They live at 2610 Newcomb Court. (On the other side of Karen who is in the building to my right side.)
Yesterday I placed a pizza order from Marccos. It was a “special price” for two large pizzas of my choice. That’s a lot for one person so I called the Junniers and they took 3/4’s of a one. The rest I’ll freeze for latter.
When they picked it up, they gave me a bottle of Geutenzheimer wine.
The Conklins loved that wine. It was good but hard to find. I’ll save it for a special occasion.
Tomorrow my tree comes down. Rick will haul it to the garage and take care of a few jobs for me. I’ve already removed the ornaments and will put them in my storage room later today. (Putting them there is so much easier than the attic or the garage. The storage room is inside so not subjected to high temperatures like the other two places I could use.
The past few days have been cold! Last night it was in the high 30’s. I brought my small aerogarden inside. It’s currently on the kitchen counter. The lettuce has started sprouting.
Yesterday I bought some new Christmas decorations. My storage space is filling up but finding stuff now usually means the prices are lower.
Wednesday 11 January, 2023 4:37 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
After working for many years to support the Michigan Club here in Kings Point, I’m not planning to attend the “welcome back” party tonight. I’ve signed up as a member so I could go and my wine and snacks would be taken care of but tonight is a Quiet Room concert with Jay Ungar and Molly Mason. I’d rather watch them than go to the party.
I’d be going alone and I know I’d end up feeling left-out and lonely as a solo with no one to dance with. Staying home is my choice. Going would make me feel more alone than the solitude and comfort of my condo.
I’ll open a bottle of wine and watch a movie from 6:00-8:00. At 8:00 I’ll tune in to the Quiet Room.
The Michigan Club can get by without me.
Monday 9 January, 2023 5:43 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I sold my big Aerogarden Farm but kept a little six pod Harvest Slim. Today I planted leaf lettuce and hope to be able to make wilted lettuce in a few weeks.
When I know how much lettuce I’m producing, I’ll buy some pepper seed pods. I hope to grow four of the lettuce pods and two hot pepper. I want to keep enough lettuce coming to be able to make wilted lettuce frequently.
It’ll be lots easier to maintain this small unit. I loved the big Farm XL unit but it was too much work. Just carrying water to keep it going was difficult with my back. Another problem was the fact that my lanai walls will be painted soon and when they come to paint, everything must be moved out of the area. The Aerogarden Farm was HEAVY. My little Harvest can easily be moved. (I’ve even brought it inside when a frost was predicted.)
Eventually I may order another small unit, probably the AeroGarden Bounty Elite, a 9-Pod garden with wifi. It comes with pods, plant food, and even a trellis.
And I may get a Bamboo Garden Wall Shelf for $71.99 from I’ll wait until my lanai is painted so moving it isn’t a problem.
Friday 6 January, 2023 10:14 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
John and I completed our trusts many years ago. Mine was updated after John died, but I went to a seminar the other day and now understand trusts better. I reviewed mine and there were lots of problems.
I had scheduled a meeting with the fellow who did the presentation at the seminar, Jamie. He visited me last night and I signed up to have my trust re-done.
In addition to knowing what I have and how it’ll be handled, this plan will mean that Kelly will be guided after I die. I paid a little over $1,845 and I will pay $850 to the attorney but that’s all it’ll cost complete.
Just guiding Kelly will be worth it.
Thursday 29 December, 2022 12:59 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
It’s been chilly for about a week. I’ve stayed in most of the time. A couple of mornings it was below freezing! But a warm-up is expected and by the weekend it should be up to the 80s. I’m ready! I’ve had the heat on and used a lap robe a lot of the time. I’ll enjoy going for golf cart rides and feeling the warmth surround me. Next Tuesday I’ll probably complain about the heat (high 80’s), but I’ll try to be content with whatever we experience.
I’ve been debating about New Years Eve. My friend Irene is hosting a gathering but I decided Sophie needs me and cuddling. Jay Ungar and Molly Mason have announced that they’ll have a live-feed from Ashokan with great music. Unfortunately it’ll be kinda late for me (probably 10:00-midnight) but I might tough it out. It’s my best option so far.
The last few months have been difficult. I’ve lost several music friends (Bob Hubbach, Nan Boody, Martha Kuch, Jeff Allen, Ida O’Dell) and my friend Connie’s health is so fragile that we fear for her.
I have “felt my age.” I guess repeated sad news will do that.
I am still “content” but life is definitely more difficult.
Goals for 2023:
Lose some weight
Hire someone to help clean out my garage and fix the cracked floor
Get out more
Exercise and eat better
When weather allows it, go to the pool for the sun and interaction
Monday 26 December, 2022 12:49 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Pat and I had a pleasant Christmas meal because the company was good, but the meal was barely ok. If I had it to do again, I’d have gone for something else. The steak I ordered was tough.
After eating we visited Connie. She’s not doing well. Her blood pressure was so low that they were talking about transferring he to the hospital.
It was hard to converse with her. Seemed that she didn’t understand our questions. I certainly hope she improves because her deterioration from my last visit six days ago was noticeable. She seemed angry which is certainly understandable. She’s been through so much.
Saturday 24 December, 2022 1:08 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
As it turns out, Pat’s Christmas plans fell through so the two of us will go to Denny’s for dinner. Afterward we’ll visit Connie. Sounds like a decent plan. None of the three of us will be alone.
Thursday 22 December, 2022 9:31 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Christmas is only a few days away and I don’t know what I’m doing for dinner. I have all the “makin’s” for a turkey feast but since it’s just me, I’m reluctant to go to all the trouble. (I have the turkey breast, mashed potatoes, gravy, makings for cranberry salad, sweet potatoes for casserole, relishes and pie for dessert.)
The only restaurant I’ve found that’s open is Denny’s and somehow that doesn’t sound like a holiday meal.
Kelly suggested that I skip the turkey and have a simple meal like steak. I’m leaning that direction.
I might make the cranberry salad and maybe even the sweet potato casserole.
Thursday 15 December, 2022 12:59 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
So many things went wrong last week.
Thought a box of items from the Christmas party had been stolen from my golf cart. It contained 13 CDs, 4 bottles of wine, a large quantity of plastic ware, and $150 in cash. As it turned out it was on the wrong golf cart. I got everything back the next day.
My main credit card was compromised and setting up the new one with all the businesses that keep that number o file for automatic payments took several days.
I also received a eBay CD that was broken but the refund is tied up because I’d used my “compromised” account to buy it. Thank heavens it was only $6.06 since I may not get it back.
Saturday 10 December, 2022 12:20 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Seventeen credit card accounts need to be switched to my new credit card in order for my accounts to continue to work. I’ve been trying but it takes time. Surprisingly some were automatically switched. The old account still shows. The old account ended with 1164. The new one 3936.
A couple, like my insurance, I’ll need to do by phone. Once that’s done I’ll be at the point where I’ll probably need to wait until the companies get back to me and tell me the old card was rejected.
Thursday 8 December, 2022 1:43 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
It’s been quite a while since I’ve had to contact all my autopayments because the credit card I normally use has been compromised but it happed today. My card ending 1164 is no longer valid.
A new card will arrive tomorrow. Then I’ll spend a lot of time updating all the businesses that use that card number.
Sunday 27 November, 2022 1:44 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
My Christmas tree’s been up since Wednesday, Today is Sunday. I keep working to “fluff it up.” When it’s first assembled, there are crushed branches that mean holes so little by little I unbend the branches and it fills in. I do it a little at a time. Right now, it’s about half done. I can still see through places but eventually it’ll look like a beautiful, well-shaped spruce tree.
After it’s perfect, I’ll add the ornaments. (Can’t do it until the branches are as they should be.)
I also need to get my outside projectors working so my place looks ready for the holidays.
My handyman, Rick, moved most of my furniture from the lanai, where it was stored prior to the two hurricanes, and put it back on the back patio. It sure looks more welcoming than it did bare. I’ll finish up with the tables and lounge pads.
Wednesday 23 November, 2022 10:35 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
She’s still totally undressed, but even naked, she looks nice. I’m arranging things like I had them last year. My small glass table is in the open space to the left of my TV. Harp is by the tree and my palm is at the end of my loveseat near the TV.
I will decorate it tomorrow (Thanksgiving). And put out my outside lights.
At 2pm I’ll enjoy a carry-out dinner from Palm Court (the South Clubhouse). I did buy the ingredients for my cranberry salad, and a small frozen turkey breast. I think I’ll plan on them for Christmas. I’ll miss leftovers.
Monday 21 November, 2022 9:40 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
It’s too early to be this cold!
I’m used to 80’s but for the past few days the highs have been about 60!!!
Right now I have on some heavy green sweat pants and a various shades of green and white striped tee shirt. It’s one of my go-to outfits for chilly temps.
I hauled out my fuzzy rose-rust colored couch throw yesterday and Sophie loved it.
Monday 14 November, 2022 4:18 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Last night I was trying to find my favorite Emergency Squad tee shirt. I have been given several. I have two or three that are blue (because they were getting rid of them), a bright green one, a light gray long-sleeved one, and my favorite which is a nice gray one made of nice fabric). Two of the blue ones are huge and strictly for sleeping, and the light gray one doesn’t fit (too small).
I’d been invited to a lunch for Emergency Squad folks with the instruction that we should wear a Squad tee shirt. My plan was to wear my favorite one which is comfortable and attractive.
I couldn’t find it. I was sure I’d seen it in my closet but it had been a while. My first thought was that it was on the right side near the front. I couldn’t locate it. I looked throughout the small closet and eventually took nearly everything out and placed it on my bed but still I didn’t find it. Looked everywhere I could think of.
Today I went back and started over, looking more carefully in the first place I’d checked. It was there!
When looking for a lost item, I have found it’s almost always where you first thought it was. Instead of taking everything out of my closet, I should have slowed down and looked more thoroughly.
Nine times out of ten my memory is good. I am just impatient.
I must learn to stay at the first search site and use more effort. It would save time in the long run.
Monday 7 November, 2022 7:40 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
My hearing isn’t great, but better than lots of folks my age.
Nevertheless it could be better. So I had an appointment with HearX to have my hearing tested for the first time in probably six or seven years. I have no hearing in the right ear (just as it’s been since I had the acoustic neuroma removed in 1980.) The test said I have total loss in the right ear and minimal lost in the left.
I’ll get new “cross hearing aids.” The right one will send sounds to the left one. They are really small and fit totally inside the ears. After a 45-day trial, I can decide if I want them or not. I’m sure they’ll be about four or five thousand.
If I spend that much, I’m going to wear them. Maybe I’ll find them helpful.
Well that experience was short-lived.
I got my hearing aids the day after the testing (several days early). The cost was just shy of $4,000. The person who’d tested me put them in my ears. The right one fell out. He put it in again. It fell out again. It happened several times. He worked with it until it finally stayed and I left the office. In the parking lot, I found the right one in my hair. Obviously the fit wasn’t right but after practicing a bit, the next day I felt confident enough to wear them to a meeting at the North Clubhouse.
As the meeting was winding down, I realized the right one was missing. I back-tracked but didn’t find it. I called the HearX office where I’d gotten them and told the receptionist that I’d lost one. I have an appointment on Tuesday.
Friday 4 November, 2022 9:23 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Yesterday I hosted a meeting to plan the Nantucket V Christmas party. I was concerned about Sophie who can be a real pest when folks visit. I found a solution. I put a decorative gate across the doorway to the small hallway outside my bedroom. It is about 4′ x 4′ which was big enough for her bed, water, food, and a puppy pad. She didn’t like being shut in, but she was good. Her expression showed her disappointment. It didn’t take long for one of the ladies to take her out of her confined area. She ended up beside me on the couch but she was quiet and didn’t bother anyone. I was a proud mama.
Sunday 30 October, 2022 10:45 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
This morning I was awake at a little past 7:00 but fell back asleep for about an hour.
While sleeping I had a dream about preparing handouts for a meeting I was hosting. I couldn’t remember how to start the computer program (Word Perfect). It was frustrating but I was determined. The meeting attendees were waiting and I kept trying. It kept getting more involved.
When I finally roused myself, I was worn out. I am still shaken by the realization that I couldn’t solve the problem. I’d forgotten everything about computers and how to start up the program I needed. I can still feel the worry and stress.
(Note: I am hosting a meeting of residents in Nantucket V who will be helping with the COA’s Christmas party. It’ll be held here in my condo on Thursday and I don’t feel prepared.)
Friday 28 October, 2022 9:02 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Life just keeps moving on but without any highlights. Wish I had something exciting coming up.
Actually next week is surprisingly busy. Maybe November will bring fun to my days!!
Monday in the morning there’s an important KPW (Kings Point Warrantee) meeting which I want to attend. In the early evening I’m invited to a Halloween party at Irene’s house.
Tuesday there’a an afternoon “market.” I think I’ll play euchre that evening.
Wednesday is my Squad day.
Thursday I’m hosting a meeting to plan the Nantucket V Christmas party.
Friday is a busy day with a meeting early, and the annual garage sale and the concert in the evening. I may skip the garage sale and go Saturday instead.
Saturday I’ll plan to go to the garage sale.
Sunday there’s an Elvis street party.
Wednesday 26 October, 2022 11:32 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Ken is home but he hasn’t called me so I’ve assumed it’s “over.” (He left in May and had promised to call me weekly.) I have crossed him off my list.
I met a fellow through a dating app who lives in nearby Valencia Lakes, Jack. A few days ago, we had a pleasant afternoon together, but I don’t think we’re a “match.” Nice guy in a brotherly way.
Monday 17 October, 2022 7:47 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Twice within the past 24 hours I heard the term “old school.” Last night one of the cooking channels mentioned Waldorf Salad is “old school.” Today on one of the game shows, eBay was referred to as an “old school” channel.
Facebook asks if you still eat “cole slaw” or still use a “top sheet.” The implication is that these things are “out of date.” Typing two spaces after a period is considered antiquated.
I definitely like being “old school.” I’ll always enjoy Waldorf Salad and do all the other things that date me.
Saturday 15 October, 2022 10:22 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I wanted to find a second floor model toilet paper holder to use in my guest bath. I found one on ebay and bought it. Unfortunately it wouldn’t stand up even when empty so I’m sending it back. But I decided that getting a duplicate of the original Charmin’ holder I have is a good idea. The only sensible way to get one was to go back to Charmin’ and order another starter package (three rolls and the perfect holder.) Unfortunately that means I’ll have three more rolls!! But with two bathrooms to use them I should use more and the guest bath will be used more frequently. Eventually my reserve will dwindle (provided I live forever!!)
Tuesday 11 October, 2022 3:21 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Back in May 2020, I wrote: “Will I ever stop shopping for toilet paper? There’s been such a shortage that I feel I must buy it if I see it. Yesterday I ordered a huge package from Sam’s Club. My pack will contain 32 rolls (218 sheets per roll) and should arrive next week. I already had a braggable amount. So many jokes about the value of TP. I’m a wealthy woman with two and 3/4’s “forever” 12-inch roll boxes and dozens of regular double rolls. According to the comments, with that supply, I could attract most any guy. I’m rich!!”
Well, it has continued. I like the “forever” 12-inch rolls, so at the beginning of the pandemic, I subscribed for re-delivery every so many months. Last week I received another “order.” When I went to put it away, couldn’t find space. I’m totally over-stocked. I have at least five of the huge three-roll boxes (which means 15 12-inch rolls). They should last a lifetime. I hadn’t realized that my supply had gotten so far ahead of my usage.
I prefer to use my master bathroom, in part because that’s where my forever roll is located. So yesterday I ordered a second floor model holder. It should come by next Monday. Maybe by adding a big roll in the guest bath, I’ll use more of the huge rolls. I hope so. I will watch carefully because when the pandemic was in full swing, “forever rolls” weren’t available.
I also still buy the Family Mega roll packages of Charmin’ which equal 123 regular rolls.
John criticized my “excessive” toilet paper usage but I love feeling I can use whatever I want. And when Kelly visited, she commented on loving the toilet paper I buy.
When I get down to my last three roll box, I’ll probably panic.
Saturday 8 October, 2022 9:37 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
The tree branches and the whole palm tree have been picked up. Our association looks normal. I still have my bouganvilla but it’s tipped. Hopefully it’ll be re-shaped to be a ball as before.
I attended a Federation meeting yesterday. (They oversee all the associations in KP.) Sounds like costs are going up for next year, but so is everything else.
Sunday 2 October, 2022 9:38 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Ian was kind to Kings Point. My association lost a couple trees, but nothing major.

The damage wasn’t too bad. I’ve authorized the removal.
I am worried about my bougainvillea. It’s always beautiful but now it’s tipped and the roots are showing. I hope it isn’t removed. It can be reshaped and will continue to be lovely.
I only lost power once for a couple minutes but my friend, Pat’s, wi-fi and electricity went out for a day and a half.
Tuesday 27 September, 2022 9:01 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
My major concern is electricity. If it’s out for a lengthy period, it’ll be hot and uncomfortable. Hopefully my freezers will stay frozen. If I stay out of them, it should help.
I also worry about water coming under my front door. I have stuff to put under the door if it starts coming in but maybe it won’t come to that.
The grocery store was out of my preferred chips and water but I got enough stuff for prolonged isolation.
I was advised that doing the laundry and starting the dishwasher were important prior to the storm so I’ll make sure both are run today.
I am a little concerned that in a power failure, I don’t know how to open my garage door, but I think I just pull the red release.
I learned one thing too late. If I do this again I’ll make sure my grill is near the front door, not on the other side of the stored lounge chairs so I have to climb over everything. Maybe I can make a more open path, but it sure isn’t easy now.
Monday 26 September, 2022 3:31 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I remember being in Michigan especially in 2017 when Irma impacted Tampa. I stayed up all night watching the on-line information to see if our condo would be hit.
At that time, I said, “As Irma approaches, I’m glad we are safe in Michigan but I can’t help but feel that we’re missing something memorable. I pray all of our friends and every Kings Point resident is safe, but I feel almost neglectful and traitorous because I’m not there in my favorite community to keep my home safe and protected.”
If I’d been honest, I wanted to be in Kings Point. Well, this time I am. Ian is supposed to be a big one and I’ll be watching abd reporting first hand.
It’s still not certain when the impact will be the greatest. At this time, it looks like overnight Tuesday/Wednesday is the most likely but it’s still not firm.
I will probably stay up all night watching.
Thursday 22 September, 2022 8:54 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
For the past few days I’ve felt yucky. I had my flu shot and covid booster Monday and felt fine. Tuesday still ok until late evening. Then it started. I just don’t feel good. Wednesday I was out of commission all day. Did nothing. I even took a Covid test to see if maybe that was my problem but the test was negative. I think it was the shots I got.
Today I am better, but wish I could just stay home and rest. Instead I am committed to go to an appreciation luncheon at 11:00. I’ve already paid for it and hope I can rally enough to go but afterward I’ll take it easy. Then tomorrow I work at the Squad and Saturday I’m driving the girls to Big Bend Road to celebrate Pat’s birthday.
This is one week I wish I could be totally idle. I don’t want to move.
Sophie needs a bath, I need to get ready for my house cleaner on Saturday, and I want to practice on my newly re-discovered dulcimer, but I have no energy.
Sunday 18 September, 2022 9:10 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I want to be prepared for the QuarTUNE music lessons I’m taking in a couple weeks. Yesterday I hauled out my hammered dulcimer.
It took a while to find all the stuff I will need: hammers, stand, music, tuner, batteries, etc. (The stand was lost and at first I couldn’t locate a tuner.) With everything assembled, I started.
I put the dulcimer in front of the sliders in the great room. I can still glance at the TV and I can work a little at a time.
Tuning was much more difficult than in the past. Normally with your wrench on the peg, you tweak a string to the exact tone but generally it’s almost there. It’s always been easy to figure which note I was aiming for. Not this time! The strings were so far off I had no idea where I should tune them so I needed a layout. I finally found a diagram for my instrument but it’s slow going. There are two bridges (bass and treble) so I started with the treble bridge. I’m about 2/3’s of the way through the 17 sets of strings (two each or a total string count of 66). After I finish it’ll take a while for the tuning to settle in. It’ll be easier as time goes by. Right now each string has no memory of what it should be. I will re-teach it.
Actually finding the layout wasn’t easy. I knew I had a copy posted on my old website but I’ve forgotten how to get to the files. The whole process has changed and I had to re-learn so much. But I finally was successful getting the layout printed out and I went to work. I figure I can tune little by little. When I finish, I’ll try picking out a couple simple tunes. I’m sure I’ll remember as I try it. I can’t do too much at a time because I get an ache at the base of my neck. But I’ll forge on.
My penny whistling sounds awful. I know it’s just my technique. I don’t know how to get the good tones out of the fingering. My instructor will have a hard time getting me to play anything.
Yesterday I had several detours as I tried to remember how to print out a PDF file, how to get to the files I needed, and more.
I’ve forgotten so much! I remember when internet stuff was in my wheel-house, but no more. The rules have changed. I was lost.
Why didn’t I keep up on the stuff I was good at? It would make this process so much easier. Maybe I should try to re-lean the autoharp instead, but I really prefer the hammered dulcimer.
A friend said she couldn’t wait to hear my harp. That’s not going to happen — maybe someday, but the dulcimer seems like it’s an easier path to a pleasant pass time.
Music was a life I shared with John. It was so much fun and provided me with lovely memories. I don’t expect to ever get “good” but I’m going to aim for a few nicely played tunes for the holidays. Wouldn’t it be something if I could have a little concert for friends.
I want to relearn “Ashokan Farewell.” That was one I played nicely. I can’t bring back the past, but I can find something pleasant to fill my free time.
Saturday 17 September, 2022 8:40 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Nothing exciting. Nothing to write about. Life goes on. Most folks would be bored.
Sophie’s my companion (thank heavens I have her). Very few guests.
Yes, I have more than enough meetings in my role as President of Nantucket V, and every eight days I’m at the SCC Emergency Squad, but that’s about it. The rest of the time, I watch TV or NetFlix. I fix decent meals for myself and occasionally I grocery shop. That’s about it.
I need to get myself going and not waste my life. I like dances, euchre and even bingo. Why am I missing those thing?
Just wish I had a gentleman to do stuff with. I’ve crossed Ken off my list. He’s ignored me for too long. No one else in my field of vision, but I know they’re not going to find me when I’m in my condo for days on end.
I vow that I’ll go to dances, I’ll go to the Sportsman’s Club next Wednesday. Naybe I’ll even go to the pool.
Recently I signed up for a couple music classes at the QuaranTUNE Dulcimer Festival. On Friday, October 7th, I’ll take one from Guy George on basic penny whistle and on Saturday, the 8th, I’ll take one from Katie Mortz to start me on the hammered dulcimer. I know I have forgotten everything I ever knew.
Before the classes, I need to tune up the hammered dulcimer. I finally found my dulcimer stand in the back of the guestroom closet, I’ve located a tuner, and I’ve put in new batteries).
I have hammers and I found a music stand. Little by little I’m pulling together what I’ll need.
I’ve ordered a starter book for the whistle which should arrive today.
I’m trying to decide if I should set up in the guest room (which isn’t used at all) or the great room or the dining room? I’m leaning toward the corner of the great room (at least to start with) since I won’t feel “isolated” and I’ll probably practice more. It’s a cooler temperature, there’s a suitable chair in the corner I’ll use and there’s abundant light.
It’s taking more prep than I realized. I like the looks of the dulcimer in the living room. It inspires me.
Monday 5 September, 2022 2:47 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I’ve been having problems sleeping without getting up three or four times. I saw a commercial for ZzzQuil ULTRA Nighttime Sleep Aid. I’ve taken it two times and it seems to be helping but I’m finding I’m sleepy in the early afternoon. I’ve never been a “napper” but today I actually spent about 45 minutes on my bed. I didn’t sleep soundly but I think I dozed and I still feel a little foggy. I don’t know which is worse. I may try again tonight. Hopefully I won’t be loggy tomorrow.
Couple days later:
I have continued using ZzzQuil and I think I’m sleeping a little better.
Wednesday 31 August, 2022 9:28 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Monday I got a call from my sweet friend, Connie. She was trying to locate a bedside type commode and wondered if she could get one from the Emergency Squad. I explained to her that the Squad can’t accept them (lack of space) but Nearly New often has them.
It then dawned on me that Michele had called me with one which she wanted to donate to the Squad. I called her and then took it to Connie.
Pat and another friend were already there when I arrived. Connie was in awful shape. You could see she was weak and not well. The chemo treatments have been adversely affecting her.
Yesterday, Tuesday, I got a call from Pat. Connie had gone for another chemo treatment but had been too sick so instead she was taken by ambulance to South Bay Hospital. At the hospital they tested her for covid and her test was positive.
A couple months ago, Connie had most of her colon removed when it ruptured. She almost died. Recently it’s been discovered that she has pancreatic cancer. She’s undergoing chemo and having bad reactions. Now she has covid. How much more can she take? To add to her problems, her house was struck by lightning Friday damaging several appliances.
Because I visited Connie, I’ve been exposed to the dreaded virus. I am self-isolating through the weekend. I won’t let anyone in and I won’t go out. Without knowing, I worked at the Squad yesterday. I’ve warned my shift captain and called Kathy, my partner. I plan to test myself in a couple days (earlier if I show symptoms). So far, I’m feeling ok. I’m not taking any chances so I’m in my closed condo and not venturing out. I sure don’t want to spread it.
Friday 26 August, 2022 9:13 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
This is part of a text I shared with a new on-line friend and fellow Quiet Room watcher, Alice. I really look forward to the Quiet Room. I said to my new friend:
I especially enjoyed “Ashokan Farewell” this past Wednesday night. My music club in Michigan (Saginaw Subterranean Strings) always played that one and it was the audience favorite.
We were a 50-member performing hammered dulcimer club. Usually we had about 20 or so playing with us at gigs around Michigan (with hammered dulcimers, fiddles, guitars, etc.) My husband was the lead instrumentalist (on hammered dulcimer) and I was the emcee, organizer and provided a beat with my autoharp.) It was fun. We played at two events for OVER 20 years — We had summer monthly free concerts in Haithco Park that drew hundreds of watchers and a February two-day (Saturday and Sunday) Sno-Fest event in an old opera house (Fischer Hall) during the national ice and Sno-Fest snow sculpturing and ice carving contests in Frankenmuth, MI.
When we decided we couldn’t do Sno-Fest any more (especially because we’d make the trip back and forth from Florida in February despite the weather) we passed it on to an excellent musician who has kept it going most years.
No one got paid, but we would accept donations from our audiences and that money went to the museum which was adjacent to Fischer Hall where we played.
It was a lot of work for us. We invited not only our club members but all the best traditional musicians from all over. We even had one player who came with his wife from Minnesota!
John and I would provide the sound equipment and feed the musicians for the two days. About a dozen who came a distance stayed at our house. It was fun but exhausting. We’d feed them a huge breakfast feast.
Eventually we realized it was just too much for us and John’s terminal illness was progressing.
That was when CDs were really popular and many of our musicians had their own CDs to sell.
I’ll tell more later.
Friday 12 August, 2022 11:20 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I used to love to go out, but recently I’ve been happy staying inside. I don’t want to leave my condo. For one thing, it’s been too hot or rain is threatening. Once the South Club pool has reopened (it’s currently being renovated), I’ve promised myself I’ll try to go there at least once a week. I could go out to my patio and get a little fresh air, but even that hasn’t attracted me.
Today I need to pick up a ‘script that Dr. Marquez called in last week. It’s been ready and maybe it’ll help my back.
Thursday 4 August, 2022 9:07 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Being the President of Nantucket V has been a lot of work but the latest addition has me feeling totally overwhelmed.
I picked up directories to be distributed to each of my 57 resident condos. Now I’m delivering them and I’m filling in “my people” with lots of the upcoming items to be covered at our board meeting on Tuesday. I started two days ago but I’ve only scratched the surface. My back gives up before I get to many.
Sunday 31 July, 2022 8:20 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
The current phrase is “No Worries.” Seems like I hear it in answer to a lot of questions.
Saturday 23 July, 2022 7:15 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I am watching the movie, “Contagion.” It came out in 2011.. long before Covid.
It could have been a documentary of the Covid pandemic which started in 2019.
Friday 22 July, 2022 2:35 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Last week was the ODPC Funfest in Evart, Michigan. Of course I wasn’t there, but for many years John and I went to every ODPC festival starting in 1991. In 2015, I retired after being workshop chairman for 20 years.
It was always fun and the folks we met there became “family.” I do miss the music friends, but there was no way I was going to try to go. Sophie is my anchor. Didn’t make me yearn any less, but I’m better staying put. I know I couldn’t walk around like I used to and I certainly wouldn’t have a golf cart. So I looked at the photos vicariously and recalled good times.
Sadly several folks would have been missing: Bob Hubbach, Doc Adams, Dan Kirchner, Martha Kuch, Wayne Conklin, and of course, my John. All died since I last attended. Chuck & Nan Boody wouldn’t attend this year because Nan’s not doing well. Jim and Laura McKinney have covid. And many of the music folks have stopped traveling far because of the price of gas. Things have changed for so many of us!
But I did enjoy following the goings on at the fairgrounds. A lot of new faces, but quite a few familiar ones. Looks like it was a fun time.
Wednesday 20 July, 2022 9:57 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Since turning 80 I have really slowed down. I find myself doing less and less. I get up later and have been skipping social events.
An example are my Mondays and Tuesdays. I used to enjoy going to euchre but have skipped most of the games. I haven’t attended the Sportsman’s Club meetings for several months. The senior dances just aren’t fun any more. I’ve thought about going to Karaoke (alone so I can leave when I want) but keep finding reasons not to go.
I’ve been mainly using the weather as an excuse. Seems that it’s either way too hot to go out, or it’s raining.
My plan is to go to the Sportsman’s Club today from 3:00-4:00 and then grocery shopping. Checking the forecast there’s over a 50% chance it’ll be raining (and temps over 90). If it is pouring, I won’t go. (The rains here are blinding.)
Maybe I’ll go grocery shopping around noon. That way I’ll beat the downpour.
I do make it to the Emergency Squad every eight days, but that’s all that’s guaranteed.
Monday 18 July, 2022 2:53 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I did get a refund from Glory Tours for the July 4th bus trip/cruise/dinner that Pat and I didn’t get to go on. It took longer than I would have thought because I had to call them (they didn’t do it automatically), but today it came in the mail.
Sunday 10 July, 2022 8:02 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I have a “thing” about powerful rechargeable flashlights. I have three of them. The smallest one (Thrunite) (about 3″) has a power button on the side and a charging port opposite it. The next one bigger (Light Saver) cycles through the brightness phases with the power button. It also has a “side light” called a cob light. The biggest and most powerful one cycles through with the power button and also has a side (cob) light (which is turned on by flashing the power button quickly twice.) The big one (about 7″) also has a charging port which can be used to charge other things like a cellphone. It also can use three AAA batteries. (It’s in the black plastic box in the cubby – it’s at an angle because it doesn’t fit in the cubby very well. It’s labeled Jay-Park Super Bright and has the charging cables and extra batteries and battery holder in it.) Got it from Amazon 7/8/2022. The listing has a lot of details. I keep the medium one beside my bed, smallest one next to my seat in the great room, and the biggest one on the kitchen counter.
I also have a very good high intensity flashlight (very long and skinny) but it isn’t rechargeable. I have lots of batteries so that one will also work for me in case of a power failure. It’s beside my bed.
Wednesday 6 July, 2022 9:00 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Yesterday I worked at the Squad. It was uneventful. I came home and made a good batch of tacos. Then I decided there was no time like the present to return the rug. The directions said I could take it to Walgreens (which is reported to be a pickup place for Fed Ex.) Problem was, Walgreens woudn’t take it. It was too large for their facility. I had to go to the strip mall near Home Depot. (Actually near the Pet Supermarket.)
It was so hot that I was miserably dehydrated by the time I dropped the rug off and got back home. I wished I’d driven my car. The golf cart was miserably hot.
I felt rotten when I got home. I poured a glass of wine and baked a small pot pie. (Much better!)
Sophie curled up beside me and we watched a TV movie. It was a quiet night. I was glad I stayed in. Between the early alarm I’d been awakened by, working at the Squad, the struggle with the rug, and the heat, I was worn out.
Today is a new day. Nothing on the calendar for today. It’s still HOT but I can take it easy and stay in.
Tuesday 5 July, 2022 8:45 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Let’s see. In the past week Iost my tracker watch, Sophie’a not eating, TV box replacement didn’t work, new rug for great room a failure, car wouldn’t start, didn’t get to go on cruise/dinner to view fireworks, ladies bathroom here at the Squad not working.
But on the plus side, I’m well. My finances have approved. Sophie is lovin’ me more and more. I truly have no problems.
Sunday 3 July, 2022 10:37 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Since I need to start the car frequently, I’ll try to take it for a ride, but if I don’t do that, at least I can let it run for 10-15 minutes. Right now it’s running. (Setting a timer is vital.)
Although I hate to drive my car, I don’t mind going to Beef O’Brady’s, Sam’s Club, Walmart, and the business places near Publix (like China Chen, Marco’s and even Subway.) I will start going back to Euchre on Mondays at the Moose Club.
The price of gas is so high that letting the car run is going to cost me. But to be honest, going to the Moose on Mondays would be fun and I need more fun in my life.
Saturday 2 July, 2022 4:55 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Up at 6 a.m. so I could be ready when my cleaning lady arrived at 7 a.m.
After she left, I decided to take my car out for a drive to keep the battery charged. It wouldn’t start.
The road service guy came and in two or three minutes it was running. He suggested that I let it run for 30 minutes to be sure it was charged. After the half hour, I took it out for a drive. I must remember to start it every day for awhile and never go longer than five days without it being started!
Friday 1 July, 2022 5:53 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
As she ages she’s becoming more clingy. She is really anxious when I leave her and she wimpers and cries at my bedroom door more than she ever did.
She doesn’t like thunder and hides when there are rumbles.
I was feeding her a premium dog food (Farmers Dog) but she’s turning up her nose at it now. I am switching her to Ollie’s. Hopefully she will like it. The price is about the same. I have a lot of either brand.
Friday 1 July, 2022 5:46 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Today was another difficult day.
When I got up, Sophie was on the couch. She can’t get up there which means she was there all night.
She was afraid to get down without the white fluffy rug to land on. I tried a couple possible solutions: a small throw rug (I used one that had been used in the bathroom). Sophie still wasn’t happy. Too many changes.
Shawn came over to install the bedroom TV box. Come to find out Spectrum gave him the wrong one so he worked for hours and had to put the old one back.
He has chihuahuas and understood that Sophie isn’t happy with change. The old white rug was scheduled to go to the dump but Shawn cut a 2 x 6 foot strip off the white fluffy rug. It’s now a throw rug in front of the couch. Sophie still isn’t jumping down so she’s just staying on the couch, but I think she’ll realize it’s the same rug just smaller.
So here it is nearly 6pm and I haven’t accomplished anything.
Wednesday 29 June, 2022 7:13 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
At about 7 a.m. my computer guy, Shawn Crenshaw, called me to say he could come earlier than our noonish appointment that I’d previously scheduled with him. The soundbar on my great room TV wasn’t working. I also complained about my bedroom TV. He came and in no time he had everything purring. I’m happy and I’ve taken out an annual contract with him to maintain all my computers, TVs, etc.
After he left, I received notification that my new green great room rug was in route. I assumed the fed ex person would come to my front door, but no. He left it in front of my sliding garage door. The rug was heavy but I managed to drag it in. Unfolding the rug was a chore! I worked and worked on it. There was a deep crease down the center. I hauled it around and finally had it sorta smoothed out. (By then I was exhausted.) It was too large and didn’t enhance the area. There were some major flaws and the color didn’t match the barrel chair as I’d hoped. I definitely wasn’t happy with it. It had a liberal return policy so I contacted the company and said I want to send it back.
Then the next problem: I had to refold it and repackage it so it could go back. Again I was struggling with the 8 x 10 rug and it was heavy! I knew I couldn’t get it in the bag, so I called Rick. He did it in less than five minutes. It’s ready to go!
My neighbor, Helenanne, stopped by. She asked why I was using a rug. She pointed out that it’s easier to keep the floor clean without a rug. Since I’ve already moved the white one out, I’ll try it with none. I can get used to it.
So I’m tired. I used muscles I haven’t used for years!
My two televisions are working better than they were and the bedroom one will be even better when Shawn gets the new controller box from Spectrum and installs it.
The rug problem will be ok as it is now without one under the coffee table. The green one will be shipped back to them. The white one will go to the dump when Rick makes another trip.
Sophie will notice the difference. She loved that fluffy rug. I do have a bed for her that is similar to the softness of the white one. I will try to get her to use it. We’ll see.
Wednesday 22 June, 2022 8:23 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
My life is dragging. It’s slowed down so completely that there are days when my step counter is a negative number.
I haven’t felt like socializing, going to the pool, or doing anything. It’s too hot to even go shopping. Maybe I’ll make a “break for it” this afternoon. I could enjoy lunch at the South Clubhouse then go grocery shopping.
If I could lose some weight I’d go to the pool, but I’m too chubby to want to be in a bathing suit. I’m trying to eat less but sitting on my butt all day doesn’t lead to weight loss. I promise myself that if I get down 10 or so pounds I’ll try to go to the pool at least twice a week.
Wednesday 15 June, 2022 3:00 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Yesterday as I was leaving the beauty shop a lady who had mentioned that she’s 90+ asked me if I’d like to hear her joke.
Politely I said, “Sure,” but I didn’t expect much.
Here’s her joke:
Billy was talking with his Aunt. Billy asked, “How old are you, Aunt Rose?”
“Billy, that’s not polite. You never ask a lady her age.”
“Then how do you know how old your are?” Billy inquired.
“Well, it’s on your drivers license which never lies.”
Later Aunt Rose left him alone with her purse so he took out his aunt’s drivers license and later said, “I know you’re 62. And I what’s more, I know why you and Uncle Bob got a divorce.
“What?” asked surprised Aunt Rose.
“Yup. According to your drivers license, you got an ‘F’ in sex,”
Sunday 12 June, 2022 9:19 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Be aware that if your water service is interrupted, you need to shut off the icemaker in your refrigerator.
I have a two-year-old Samsung french door refrigerator which I love. But the other day the icemaker quit working. It would make the “ice is coming” noise, but no ice came out. I tried everything and was ready to have it “serviced” but I remembered a similar situation when we were snowbirds. We would always shut off the water but not the ice maker. The ice making process continued without water. The tiny trickle left in the lines was enough to create ice blocking the lines which would stop everything.
Thursday the water in Kings Point went down for quite a while. The reason my icemaker wasn’t working was because it had “frozen up.” Thursday’s community-wide shutdown had created the same situation we’d had as snowbirds.
I kept trying and eventually the ice blocking the lines was cleared and the unit started working again.
My suggestion is: if the water is shut off, turn off the ice maker in your refrigerator. Otherwise you’re liable to have a situation where ice won’t come out.
Wednesday 1 June, 2022 7:20 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I’m looking at the invoice for my new cherry red 2022 Onward Club Cart. The total cost was $20,351.21. It’s a four-passenger with black tailored side curtains. Not complaining. I love it!!!
Wednesday 1 June, 2022 10:45 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I played euchre last night at the South Clubhouse. Unfortunately I played badly. I made several mistakes. My poor partners!! (We change and move for every game.) I even reneged which impacted the lady’s score who was my partner at the time. I just wasn’t on the ball. I want to go back and redeem myself.
Monday 30 May, 2022 12:50 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
When I moved my investments from Ameriprise to Charles Schwab I had lost quite a bit. Everything seemed to be losing value. With Rick (who now works at Schwab) helping me, I’ve bought and sold some of my holdings.
Just today my personal holdings at Schwab have gone up $17,341.75.
I’ve almost regained what I’d lost earlier this month.
I wouldn’t mind reading up on good investments and buying a few shares by myself. It might be fun if I could see my “shopping” brought me some rewards.
Monday 30 May, 2022 12:37 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I have three La Crosse clocks that show the time, date, inside temperature and outside temp. All three of them quit reporting the outside temperature when my place was power washed. I replaced the AAA batteries and went through the set-up procedure without fixing the problem. Yesterday I spend several hours trying to get them work. I finally gave up and put them back in their three places so at least I’d have clocks and inside temperatures. I was so sure I’d done everything that I went on Amazon and shopped for a new weather station clock but didn’t order it.
I was ready to head to bed when I noticed that the temp was showing up from the outside sensors on all three clocks. I went to bed realizing that they were now working fine!! I’m relieved. I enjoy having them throughout my place so I can read the time/temp from almost any location. I probably view the one in the great room the the one in my master bath the most, but the one outside the guest bath can be seen from the kitchen.
Similar clocks sell for at least thirty-five dollars each so if I’d replaced them I’d have spent over one hundred dollars. It was time well-spent working on them yesterday.
Saturday 21 May, 2022 10:42 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I haven’t been sleeping well. Because I love to read in bed (or watch TV) I got in the habbit of going to bed early (about 8pm). I hope to fall asleep before about 11. But lately I find I twist and turn until 1am or even later. I need to change the pattern.
I used to think reading helped get me relax, but recently I’ve been considering reading a problem. A lot of my books are exciting and I find I don’t want to leave the tale.
Another problem is when I must get up early. Every eight days I work at the Squad, also when I have meetings or my bi-weekly cleaning lady comes, I must set an early alarm. Those frequent times are enough that I can’t create a regular pattern. Last night I was in bed about 9:30 but I only got a little over four hours of sleep before I had to wake up for Cathy, my cleaning lady.
TV sometimes helps. The one TV program I like to watch, Naked and Afraid, sometimes lulls me to sleep. I have seen most of the episodes, so when I get sleepy, I just shut it off or fall asleep while it’s on.
Monday 16 May, 2022 9:21 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Our country responded beautifully to the health crisis we were faced with. Most folks adhered to the CDC instructions. Other countries are still in the midst of a lot of deaths. Our vaccinations made the difference. Most knowledgeable folks got their shots. I’ve now had two innoculations and two boosters. And I will go for more when it’s suggested. If 100% of the folks listened, we’d be even safer.
Wednesday 11 May, 2022 11:37 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
Four years ago today, John and I were on a train heading back to Michigan from Florida. It was really hard on John. The train took us as far as Flint. They had a horrid job getting John off the train because he couldn’t walk and the aisle was too narrow to have a guy on each side of him. No skinny wheel chair was available. When he finally got off and we were in the limo to take us the last lap home, I could tell he was failing fast! I suggested that we take him to the hospital, but he wanted to be home (he knew the end as very close).
When we got home he could still speak (and he gave me the door code to get the garage door to go up). The limo driver and the nurse (an RN) who’d taveled with us walked him from the car. He collapsed in the garage. I put my arms around him and helped lower him to the garage floor. The nurse had started CPR immediately. Very soon the ambulance crew arrived and all worked to resuscitate him but he was never conscious. I think he died when he collapsed.
He was declared dead at 12:30 a.m. on May 12th. That’s what the death certificate says. I am certain that he died on the 11th. Today is May 11th.
Friday 6 May, 2022 12:38 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I’m finding it more and more difficult to do what’s necessary here in Kings Point. Maybe I should consider an assisted living place, or maybe I should hire someone to come in a couple days a week to do the stuff I can’t do. I hate doing laundry (carrying the basket to the garage.) I need to sweep the lanai and get my grill working. These are easy jobs but becoming difficult for me.
I’m going to watch for someone who would help.
I remember the helper I hired in Michigan (Becca) who worked hard and made packing so much easier. Someone like her would sure be awesome.
Sunday 1 May, 2022 11:33 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
I am out of umph!! I really don’t care if I go anywhere or do anything. I love staying home with Sophie.
Example: Tuesday there’s a senior dance. I don’t really want to go. Saturday is the Kentucky Derby party and that’s enough. Even if Ken goes, I doubt that I’ll have a “good time.”
I’d rather try the Karaoke again rather than the dance. Even though I can’t say I had a good time last week when I went to Karaoke, I think there’s a better chance for fun. Or Euchre in Kings Point. I had fun going to Euchre and I’d probably enjoy it again if I went.
I don’t want to depend on the Senior Dances because they’ve been discouraging.
Saturday 30 April, 2022 3:57 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
When we get a thunder storm in Florida, it’s not like a Michigan rain. It’ll come down by the bucket full.
Right now is one of those times. I’d planned to play bingo tonight at 5:00 but the storm changed my mind. It might rain until 8:00 or 9:00 according to the forecast and I don’t feel like venturing out in it. I have ample food to eat so I’m all set. I will watch the rain come down while staying warm and comfy. Sophie likes me being here. And I like spending time with her.
If I really feel like bingo, there’s a game tomorrow night.
Saturday 23 April, 2022 2:42 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
The upcoming Michigan Club Kentucky Derby Party may not have all the previous features. There just aren’t enough volunteers so we may not be able to bet on the horses.
It seems that during the pandemic, we all got used to staying inside, away from other folks. Before Covid, volunteering had been fun and social, but now you can’t get anyone to offer their time.
I had problems getting workers for the pizza party. The Kentucky Derby Party has had an even rougher time.
It’s like we’re all happy doing our own thing. We don’t need to mix and mingle.
I know I feel that way. Right now I’m vowing to give up my officer’s position for the Michigan Club. I don’t want to be involved any longer. I’m tired!!!!
Wednesday 20 April, 2022 9:30 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
This morning I saw a bug on the kitchen floor. He was about dead but not quite so I quickly got down on my butt to get him. Problem occurred when I wanted to get up. No matter how I positioned myself, I couldn’t push myself up. I worked on it for quite a while before I finally managed. My right wrist (the one I broke and had two surgeries) just isn’t much good in situations like that.
I know the time is coming that I won’t be successful. I need to be careful about putting myself in that position. If I can grab something to help elevate myself, I’m usually ok, but this morning I didn’t have anything around that I could use to push or pull myself up.
I heard about a lady who fell and broke her shoulder. She was on the floor for several days. I could always yell out to Alexa to call someone, but it would take an extreme situation for me to do that. I’m too proud.
Friday 15 April, 2022 11:24 am | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
By accepting the presidency of Nantucket V, I’ve become more active. (Which is good.) I should leave the house more and I don’t need to waste time watching game shows. (Although I can think of worse things to do.)
I am behind with my housework but I still have time to get everything arranged. I vow that I will get my place organized. Kelly should never inherit a mess.
So I’ll work to fix things. I especially need to finish arranging my closets and the storage area.
I’m determindly working on the closet. I still need to find places to hide extras.
Saturday 2 April, 2022 5:09 pm | 2022-2023 Balance of First Five Years Alone | Sharon
We have spent the past two plus years with Covid-10.
Our lives have been involved with masks, and other protective directives. Now most have passed and we’re back to the “good life.”
Saturday 2 April, 2022 4:46 pm | 2021 Covid-19 - too many cases | Sharon
This blog program allows you to select a “category” to identify what’s going on in your life. Currently the category is: “2021 Covid-19 – too many cases.” Actually it’s now 2022.
I just read a news release that said: “Number of COVID-19 patients in hospitals reaches record low in US. The number of patients hospitalized with the coronavirus has fallen more than 90% in more than two months, and some hospitals are going days without a single COVID-19 patient in the ICU for the first time since early 2020.”
For that reason, I’ll change the category and hope covid concerns are behind us.
Tuesday 29 March, 2022 8:51 am | 2021 Covid-19 - too many cases | Sharon
In the afternoon we went out for lunch then shopping (primarily groceries). Our evening was spent watching the Kingston Trio at the North Clubhouse. Actually it was a knock-off group, but they put on a great show.
Kelly left on Sunday, April 3rd.
Before she left we crammed in a lot: Little Harbor on Wednesday, the Racetrack and Fiori’s on Friday, shopping and dinner out on Saturday.
I sure was sorry to see her leave, but I knew she needed to get him to her husband and job.
Monday 28 March, 2022 10:37 am | 2021 Covid-19 - too many cases | Sharon
Kelly and I have played bingo two times and yesterday we went to the Air Show (which included a boat trip, nice lunch, and air show). We’ve gone to Beef O’Brady’s two times and the South Clubhouse for lunches a couple of times. Tonight it’s a Kingston Trip show at the North Clubhouse. I did cancel the trip to the zoo which we’d planned for Tuesday. Glad I did. I’m just not good at walking and I knew that the zoo would require a lot of foot travel.
The weather has been great. One rainy day (when we went to Beall’s shopping). Other than that it’s been pleasant temps and sunshine.
Wednesday we’ll go to the race track and Ken will drive.
Sadly Kelly’s visit is over half done but we’ll still have lots more fun.
Thursday 24 March, 2022 8:13 am | 2021 Covid-19 - too many cases | Sharon
Kelly and I have been having a great time together. We’ve eaten out, gone shopping, headed to karaoke, watched movies, shopped some more, had cart rides, visited the farmers market, and talked a lot.
Today is a bingo day at 11:30.
Weather has been perfect except for today. It’s raining and doesn’t appear to be clearing up any time soon. (A perfect day to play bingo.)
Tomorrow Pat is having us over to play dominos and go to dinner at Glory Days restaurant on Big Bend Road.
I must admit, I’m worn out. I’m not used to staying up late and being so active. I slept pretty good last night but I still feel exhausted.
I’ll discuss with Kelly, but I’m thinking we may cancel our next Tuesday trip to the zoo. It’ll mean a lot of walking and I’m just not up to it. (I will have to rent a motorized scooter if we do go.)
Sunday 20 March, 2022 9:12 am | 2021 Covid-19 - too many cases | Sharon
Kelly got here last night. Her flight arrived before midnight but it was something like 1:30 before she got here.
We stayed up and yaked until after 3:00 a.m. I’m up (it’s 8:45) but Kelly’s still in bed and Sophie is really worn out. My little fur child played and guarded until the wee hours. She’s hardly moving this morning.
I don’t expect to see Kelly for a couple hours. We were not only up late but she’ll be contending with the time zone difference. At 9:00 it’s only 6:00 in California.
She had a long day yesterday. I called her at 5:30 a.m. her time because I’d checked her flights and for some reason old (cancelled months ago) flights showed up instead of the current ones. It alarmed us but she got confirmation on the correct schedule and her departure wasn’t until 2:00 p.m.
Last night we reviewed the stuff we’re scheduled to attend. Today and tomorrow are quiet days. We can do what we like any time. Actually we’re not locked into anything (except the cruise, and the show at the north clubhouse).
Wednesday 16 March, 2022 8:39 am | 2021 Covid-19 - too many cases | Sharon
In four days, Kelly will be arriving. I have lots to do before she gets here. Her room (especially her closet) is a mess. It smells stuffy so I need to open the window to air it out. Ken said on Thursday he’ll help me open the futon, but I want to wash her bedding and towels to make sure everything is fresh.
Friday 11 March, 2022 11:50 am | 2021 Covid-19 - too many cases | Sharon
I’ve been trying to understand why I’ve been feeling so rotten. I think it might be the prescriptions I’m now on. The “statins” have the side effects that I’m experiencing. My stomach pains are worse after I’m in bed for a while. Coincidentally I take my ‘scripts just before I go to bed.
I’m skipping the statin prescription and I’ll see if I feel better. I’ll also cut down on fried, high cholestrol foods.
I haven’t seen Ken at all because I haven’t felt up to dealing with company.
With all the pandemic protections I’ve been using, I have avoided catching any cold virus or the flu. I hate to admit it but being more aware, handwashing, and masking when in public has paid off.
Sunday 6 March, 2022 10:24 am | 2021 Covid-19 - too many cases | Sharon
After a great birthday Friday, I had a lousy night’s sleep. Don’t know what caused it but I had awful stomach pains. Saturday was not much better. I just took it easy. Went to bed very early and today I feel back to normal. I guess I just needed to adjust to being 80.
Ken is due back today but I have a feeling I won’t be seeing him. I haven’t heard anything from him. I bought two tickets to a St. Patrick’s Day party but hopefully I can find someone else to go with me. I’ve talked about going to the Follies with Pat but it’s iffy.
Ken called. He thought my birthday was today. He’ll be back sometime tomorrow but since I’ll be really busy, he won’t stop in until Tuesday.
Saturday 5 March, 2022 11:48 am | 2021 Covid-19 - too many cases | Sharon
Yesterday was birthday… my 80th!!
Most of the day was lazy and restful. I vowed to take it easy, and I did!
At about 3:10 I headed to Pat’s house to pick her up. (She’d said she wanted to take me out for my meal.) Together we went to King’s Point’s Annual Garage Sale. It was ok, but after a lot of walking, my back acted up and I was pretty miserable by the time we left.
Fish dinner at Fiore’s was excellent. I’m glad that’s where we went for our dinner.
When I took her home, she had me come in to open her gift. (The dinner would have been plenty.) She gave me a lovely purse. It is perfect!
I hurried home. Jay Ungar and Molly Mason had a special event planned for the evening. (It had started at 7:00. It was 7:10.) Their event was a Waltz-A-Thon, because 3/4 (March 4th) is “waltz time.” Many musicians had submitted waltz videos so the three hours were filled with lovely music from all over the country.
About an hour in, Jay and Molly played a tune written by Molly called “Cabernet.” When Jay announced it, he said, ‘Sharon Skaryd, listen up.” Half way through the tune, it changed to “Happy Birthday.” They all sang along. “Happy birthday, dear Sharon.” What a wonderful surprise!!
I can’t imagine a better birthday even if I was alone a lot of the time.
Thursday 3 March, 2022 11:24 am | 2021 Covid-19 - too many cases | Sharon
On the eve of my 80th birthday, I was worried that I’d be alone, but as it turns out I have a fun time planned.
Pat invited me to lunch or dinner (my choice). Coincidentally, Jay and Molly are hosting an Ashokan special event: a Waltz-A-Thon. March 4th, can be shown as 3/4. That’s waltz time so they’re going to have three hours of waltzes featuring not only Jay and Molly but others who have submitted a video of a waltz. Even one of my favorites, Junior Dougherty, will be playing. Obviously I can’t miss it since last night Jay even mentioned (kiddingly) that it’ll be an evening to celebrate my birthday. So I’ll be waltzing alone and with Sophie from 7:00-10:00 but I’ll have lots of my music friends watching with me.
At 4:00 there’s also a Kings Point Garage Sale in the Vets Theater. I am picking up Pat at 3:30 and we’ll go to the sale for a short while then we’ll go to Fiore’s for a fish dinner. I should be back home by 7:00 for the Waltz-a-Thon.
Friday 25 February, 2022 11:12 am | 2021 Covid-19 - too many cases | Sharon
My new job as President of Nantucket V has created an opportunity for interaction with more folks. I’m doing more and enjoying it.
On Monday, the 7th of March, I’m volunteering to man a table for the Emergency Squad at the hurricane preparedness lecture. I work at the Emergency Squad that morning so I can’t go to the King’s Point offering of this important information which is in the a.m. I’ve attended for a couple years and don’t want to miss it so I’ll go to the Methodist Church. I can watch the presentation while I represent the Squad.
Monday 21 February, 2022 9:22 am | 2021 Covid-19 - too many cases | Sharon
Wednesday 16 February, 2022 9:33 am | 2021 Covid-19 - too many cases | Sharon
Shopping for the Michigan Club’s pizza party this Saturday has pointed out that prices have gone up. Not only that, but lots of shelves are bare.
I wanted to buy Vernors but there’s none in this area. Things have really changed.
Yes, inflation is a reality and shipping has been difficult. It’s all part of the problems caused by the pandemic. Lots of businesses have closed. Here in Kings Point, we have smaller activities.
Gas prices are near record. Thank heavens I don’t drive much.
But despite all the problems our area has grown and we have huge traffic problems. Why everyone’s flooding the Florida area isn’t really clear. Apparently folks think of us as the place to be. Texas is also growing, but I can’t imagine that they are as poorly prepared as Florida has been. For one thing, Texas is larger so the open spaces can accommodate more. Our roads are crowded but our hiring pool is down. Every piece of undeveloped land is considered for new building.
Thursday 10 February, 2022 9:58 am | 2021 Covid-19 - too many cases | Sharon
This week and next will be stressful.
I am the chairman of the Michigan Club pizza party to be held the 19th. The Covid situation has reduced the numbers of attendees. Instead of 250 tickets sold in 2019, we’ve only sold about 80. It’ll work but there’s a lot of guessing going on. (Cans instead of barrels of beer.)
Saturday is the Sportsman’s club’s Day at the Races. I bought Ken a ticket so we’ll be going for the day. He can drive my car so I can learn more about its operation.
Next week there’s a dance on Tuesday and a Sportsman’s Club meeting Wednesday. The pizza party is Saturday.
Sometime within the next ten days or so, my brother, Denny is supposed to show up here. He’s driving down with two guys and assurs me that he’ll stop in and take me to dinner.
After the pizza party, I have to dive into my new job as HOA President of Nantucket V. Our first meeting will happen on Monday, the 21st.
After that I can take a deep breath.
My 80th birthday is March 4th.
Kelly is scheduled to arrive for her two week (plus a day or two) visit.
It seems like an over-whelmingly busy time, but once Kelly leaves stuff will slow down. (At least it looks that way now.)
Tuesday 8 February, 2022 7:32 pm | 2021 Covid-19 - too many cases | Sharon
I’m really chilly, or I was. I put on slacks, a medium weight robe, topped with a sweater. Yup several layers. I’m finally warming up.
It’s been a cold, rainy day and I didn’t turn the heat up. 71 is too cold in here.
Wednesday 2 February, 2022 12:27 pm | 2021 Covid-19 - too many cases | Sharon
I understand Evie died in New York early this morning. She’ll certainly be missed.
Unfortunately Covid had separated us. She didn’t believe in the vaccinations and I felt compelled to avoid her. But we did speak frequently on the phone.
Her stroke last month was devestating but she was the Energizer Bunny and I truly believed that even at her advanced age, she’d survive this as she’d survived several bouts with cancer and a bad fall.
She was one of the people who helped me with John’s memorial gathering here in Kings Point.
It bothers me that her family took her Facebook page down immediately. I have lost several friends who were on Facebook. They are still on facebook friends list. As years go by, their birthday reminders keep them in my thoughts.
If you wish to view here funeral service, there’s a link here: Evie’s February 7th Funeral Service
Tuesday 1 February, 2022 1:10 pm | 2021 Covid-19 - too many cases | Sharon
I have my new Dell Inspiration computer and it’s working perfectly. I can’t complain.
Sean Crenshaw worked all afternoon yesterday and restored all my programs and even got my Epson tank printer working. My most important files are on Lotus and I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to pull them up but he was totally successful. Not much had happened in the time I was down so I was able to have everything up to date in a few minutes. I’m happy. I did lose some money on my investments but at least now I can see all my accounts.
Sean even figured out how I can watch my Jay and Molly concerts on my television set. It’ll be great.
Yes, the experience was a bit pricey but half the price of the Microsoft Surface I bought in 2018. I’m definitely not complaining. I’m glad I hired Sean to do the work. It sure saved me a huge headache.
Saturday 29 January, 2022 8:05 am | 2021 Covid-19 - too many cases | Sharon
Our forecast is for a low tonight/tomorrow of about 30 degrees!! It’s already been chilly but with the wind it’s bitter cold. The rugs on my patio are all blown up and the Spanish moss is dancing.
I had a busy day yesterday. My three dominos playing girlfriends came over and I’d made them apple crisp. It was ok (but I got it too sweet). We ended up at Fiore’s for fish.
Haven’t seen ken for several days but that’s ok. I’ve needed the time to get my cell phone set up, my old computer working as good as is possible. I’ll be getting my new computer Monday afternoon. (That’s the morning Sophie goes to the vet for her physical.)
Life is good. Sophie and I are doing fine.
I’m the new Nantucket V president which means work, but maybe we can make our home owner’s association into a fun friendly neighborhood.
I keep hearing about folks who have developed covid. Not only Dave, my son-in-law, but also my cleaning lady and Irene, the friend who had a great Holloween party. I am careful but it feels like everyone eventually catches it.
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