Pointers for remembering folks

My husband and I have been snowbirds since 2002. Knowing that it would be months before we’d return to our Florida home, I started a computer spreadsheet (but it could be done in written form) to keep track of the folks we met. I’d list their names and something to help me remember them (physical description, characteristic, or where we met). There’d also be a column for their address and their email and phone number. When we returned, as my husband drove the long trip between Michigan and Florida, I’d quiz him. It was a great way to refresh our memories and kill time on the road. Those clues still come to mind when I think of some of the folks. As time passed, and cellphones with cameras were more common, I’d take a picture of their KP badge.

Another pointer: When meeting folks at a party, I’ve found a paper napkin labeled with all names in seating location and placed in the center where all can see the identities of their table mates, helps folks remember the names of folks they’ve just met. It really helps break the ice.

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