Trying to be more energetic

I am lazy and lethargic. I don’t feel ill, but I don’t have much incentive to go out.

Part of the reason is Sophie. She loves to be in my lap. I love it when she curls up with me and sleeps but it’s easy to have the hours pass.

I am having second thoughts about the Emergency Squad and it’s bothering me. I feel more lonely there than I do at home. It’s basically been suggested that I don’t talk about my problems/life. Ok, I’ll try it for another couple of weeks, but unless things change, I think I’ll resign.

The folks at the squad are nice, but it’s apparent that someone has complained that I am “sharing” too much about my “sad” situation and they’d prefer that the “customers” not hear about our problems. I can understand their reasoning, but I need more support. I don’t feel that sad, but I do feel that lonely.

I guess I felt that at least some folks who are in the same situation would appreciate knowing that others who are in same boat would like to be friends. That’s what I need… friends. Where do I find them?

I’ll see how my association with the Squad works out, but I need something else.

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