Trouble with Security System

I’ve been having problems with my Simplisafe Security System. Come to find out my seven year old system it was no longer working correctly and the key pad wasn’t even functioning. I purchased a whole new system. They gave me a good deal and I was happy.

But because it malfunctioned and the sheriff was notified, I was fined $75 for a false alarm. I paid it. The sheriff did come unnecessarily.

With the new system in place I was comfortable but this morning I found that there was another false alarm. This time it happened because one of the door sensors didn’t stick to the frame and therefore the door was shown as opened. The alarm went off and I was called but I was sleeping soundly and didn’t hear the phone. If the police came, I didn’t answer the door. I still expect I’ll be fined $100.

I don’t think I’ll set the alarm until I’m sure there won’t be another alarm.

I was so tired last night that I slept right through the call that is always placed before they call the police. (I’d been awake since 4:30 a.m. so I was exhausted.)

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