Meal Choices

I’m in a rut. I am a lousy cook and don’t like doing it. Occasionally I’ll make a batch of sloppy joes or maybe my chicken glop but I am not creative and my choices have been narrowing and narrowing.

I do best with frozen meals so I have my freezer stocked with Marie Callender’s chicken pot pies, Blakes shepherd pies, pizzas, ground sirloin patties, and a few Lean Cuisine dinners. I don’t starve but it’s not the healthiest diet. I need to eat more salads (and love them) but every time I buy lettuce, it turns brown before I use it up.

Recently I’ve added Cheerios cereal to my food list. I think I might get some other cereals too. That way I’m enjoying vitamin enriched food plus milk.

For breakfast I prefer two slices of raisin toast with lots of butter.

I need to lose at least 20 pounds. Watching what I eat isn’t working. I need to structure my diet so I can shed the weight.

I spent big money to buy some diet pills. I took them for three days and felt crappy. I found out the diet pills “cleanse” and this isn’t a good time to upset my digestive system. I will wait until after Kelly goes back to California and then try again. They might work when I’m not trying to do so much.

This week my new storm-rated windows will be installed. I will be stuck here Thursday and Friday. (I hope they are finished by 5pm on Friday when the Nantucket V Christmas Party starts.)

A week from today (Saturday) will be a day for my cleaning guy. I guess the window replacement job won’t destroy my place but I can’t be sure until it happens. Cleaning guy, Ron, will make it sparkle. Then I want the windows cleaned when Kelly and Dave come three weeks from today!

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