After the holidays

After Kelly leaves, I know I’ll feel a let-down.

I plan to have some new “projects” ready to go.

I want to bring in a professional to do window treatments in my two bedrooms and dining room. I’ve heard about a new place in Apollo Beach which I’d like to visit.

I finally need to do something about the big crack in the garage floor which will first require organizing everything out there and purging most of it.

And the decorative pavers still need to be put down on the driveway and sidewalk.

I really need to get rid of more stuff. My lovely storage room was supposed to be a solution, but I have stored a lot of “stuff” I don’t need or use. If I haven’t used it for the year and a half I’ve been back here from Michigan, I can get rid of it. That includes ice cream makers, pressure cookers, and lots more. John never got rid of anything so when we got a new toaster, the old one was stored away. Same is true of coffee pots, cookware, etc. I will get them out of here.

I’d like to figure out how to make better use of the dining room. Do I want it to become a den? Do I want a more modern light fixture? At least I need to make it a ‘pretty’ asset instead of a dumping spot. Same is true of the guest room. I’m sure I can make it a comfortable retreat for guests but more attractive.

I still need to get a replacement for the loveseat in the great room and a vanity for the master bathroom. I might get rid of my huge file cabinet in the master bedroom. (I don’t need something that big.) Kitchen cabinet doors still need to be up-graded, and my washer and dryer should be replaced. (It continues to do the job but they are old!!!)

I want this place to feel organized and more spacious by eliminating the extras. I am lazy so I’ll hire a lot to be done by others rather than doing it myself. This condo is my retreat and it’s nice but it can be “lovely.”

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