Meeting Men

Twice this week I’ve had the pleasant experience of meeting some nice guys. In both cases they were widowed only a few months ago and are at loose ends. They’re lonely and afraid to venture out.

I met the first one at a singles dance. It was his first time out. The other I met in the clubhouse. Both are pleasant and a bit older than me (80’s). I don’t want anything beyond a friendship but I feel both of these guys need someone to talk to. I would love to have a male friend who wanted to go to dinner or just talk on the phone.

My experiences are pointing out that men are more “lost” after the death of their mate. Women reach out to other women and can fill in with those friendships.

The first guy definitely wants a lady companion and I didn’t feel any attraction between us for even a casual friendship. I doubt if I’ll ever hear from him.

The other guy approached me and was chatty. After he found out I’m a widow, he wanted to know how I manage to fill the loneliness. I told him I got myself a dog.

We enjoyed a pleasant conversation. He was very nice. I hope he’ll call. I enjoyed talking with him.

I am certainly not trying to replace John, but I feel could help these gentlemen be more comfortable in their situations and I’d love to have a male friend.

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