I’m an Antique

I remember when the company that hosted my 13 websites referred to me as their “oldest techie geek.” I’m no longer a geek. I’m totally behind times when it comes to technology.

I rode in a new car Wednesday with all the high tech internet features. I was lost. My car doesn’t have a screen nor the ability to retrieve my texts or emails. I’m just an old, out of the loop lady. I never thought it would happen to me. I was the first among those I knew to get a computer. I bought a website the day they went on sale (dulcimers.com). But now I’m out of it and the worst thing is, I truly don’t care if I “catch up.” It seems like it would be too difficult.

I’d like my car to be more loaded, but I am still driving my 2004 Mercedes so until I buy a new one, I won’t have all the bells and whistles.

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