Reviewing the past

With time to spare today, I decided to review I’ve been keeping a blog since 2006. Today my review went back to May 2018, when John died. It was interesting to read how my life has changed since I’ve been on my own.

The greatest changes have occurred the past few months. The corona virus with all the shut-downs and closings and being sick with a bad cold, have made the biggest changes.

This serious virus has caused the cancellation of EVERYTHING. Everyone is forced to stay inside. Therefore I’m feeling alone, hence the review of my past couple of years.

This week it’s been even worse because Wednesday I had a basal cell skin cancer removed from my upper right lip. I’m left with a huge bandaged area. It’s a good time to be stuck inside since I don’t want anyone to see me. Hopefully the scar won’t be too great but it’s in a bad spot (from the nostril to the edge of my lip). I’ll have the stitches removed Monday.

Today I found reviewing my blog was an eye opener.

When John first died, I as very conscious of my finances. Now I’m relaxed. I know I’ll never be able to spend what John and I built together. I don’t give much thought to what’s going out of my account. I have my nails done every three weeks, I have my house cleaned every other Saturday, I’m even having groceries and meals delivered. It’s nice to feel financially set for life!

With the shutdown of all activities to avoid spreading the virus, I’m missing euchre, dances, and friends. I have enough food and supplies stored up so I’m in great shape.

When I look at my calendar, I see weeks of emptiness. I hope the quarantines are removed so I can go to the pool, go to dances, and enjoy myself.

My allergies are also limiting but once the pollen is washed away, I’m sure I’ll be fine.

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