When the virus threat is over . . .

I hope the two sides of 674 here in Sun City Center can unite as one friendly cohesive community. Maybe we can go back to the way things were for many years.

When we’re in post-virus status, I hope we’ll still enjoy the sunsets and going for a walk.

I hope folks appreciate the stuff we’d previously taken for granted. It would be nice if we could maintain this slower pace.

It would be nice if we’d still check on each other. It’s comforting to hear, “Are you ok?” It’s not just a mindless question. Folks are really concerned.

We now cherish and use sparingly toilet tissue, kleenex, and paper towels. Maybe we’ve learned to be more frugal with less waste.

Because of travel restrictions, some snowbirds from our community are “stuck here” and can’t go back to their northern homes. When they are finally able to return, I am sure they’ll feel grateful and appreciate their homes more than they have. When you think about it, many are fortunate to have two lovely homes. Few countries have such wealth.

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