Pandemic on Easter

This period of isolation is going to be remembered by all of us for the rest of our lives.

It’s such a challenging time. A challenge to stay up-beat. A challenge to believe that this will pass and maybe someday we’ll return to the glorious life we have enjoyed here in Florida.

The numbers of those who have tested positive continues to rise. We haven’t reached the peak yet.

Today is Easter. I predict this mess will continue into the Thanksgiving/Christmas holidays. And I fear that we’ll never go back to being comfortable in a crowd. I hope we will survive but our lives will be forever changed.

I’m having my groceries brought to me and I either drive up or have a treat restaurant meal delivered. I even had a bouquet delivered a week or so ago.

When it’s not too hot, I enjoy my patio and lanai. (Today it’s going to be in the low 90’s!!)

Sophie has saved me from loneliness. And I watch a lot of TV and Netflix. It could be worse.

Surprisingly I haven’t accomplished anything. I still have a messy closet and the bins I brought from Michigan haven’t been checked over. I haven’t re-strug my harp nor taken my dulcimer out of it’s case. There’s still lots of time to do some of those things.

My lack of nail and beauty shop care is bothering me but there’s no one to see me anyway.

I can’t imagine ever returning to dances and parties. That’s what I miss the most.

Will we ever have fun again? It seems unlikely but that’s not the kind of attitude I want to promote.

TV has shown stories of life before the epidemic. Somehow it seems foreign and yet it was just a couple months ago. When it started we felt it would be okay in days, then weeks, and now it’s months…. many months.

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