Filling my days

In addition to reading and working at the Emergency Squad every eight days, I’ve found a couple on-going events to enjoy.

The fun one is an every-Monday gathering of friends on Skype so we can see each other and converse in complete safety. We started Monday. We enjoyed wine and our munchies. It was a good way to feel connected.

The other event is a Wednesday 9:00 a.m. practice of the Radio Club’s emergency system. I bought a FRS radio from them and I’m now part of the “network,” We practice by going through a roll-call of the others on the network. It’s a way to know that in an emergency (like a hurricane), if the power and phones were out, I would have a way to contact others.

I could also join exercise or tai chi classes but I’m taking it easy with commitments. I’m finding I have enough to keep me out of mischief. I still haven’t cleaned my closets, sorted through my storage bins, or gotten organized.

I need to finish my nails and trim my bangs again. Sadly there’s still time.

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