We won’t ever go back

I’m fearing that this whole covid-19 virus situation is going to mean we’ll never have fun like we had before. I fear dances and close-up encounters are a thing of the past.

I have been wishing I could go to the clubhouse bar area but when that happens will we all sit around covered with masks?

I am going to start going to church activities and stage plays. And the Firehouse in Ruskin has a lot of activities. I need to have something enjoyable to anticipate.

I don’t want to be totally alone, but I can see that I don’t need a “guy of my own.” I do need to interact with fellows. I just can’t imagine how it’ll work. Maybe a bunch of us can go to dinner, or go to Little Harbor.

I guess time will tell.

Playing cards again will be one activity if we use a lot of hand sanitizer.

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