Adding music to my life

Last night I watched an “online” concert by Jay Ungar and Molly Mason. I have always enjoyed Jay’s fiddling. (He wrote “Ashokan Farewell” and his playing can make me very emotional.)

As they played, I couldn’t help but get up and dance. Sophie watched me with a questioning look so I picked her up and carried as I waltzed. It felt good. Despite the long period since I’ve tried to dance, those waltz moves came back quickly.

Some of their tunes were ones I know well. Jay and Molly invited their audience to join in so I finally found my autoharp and played along. My wrist hurts today, but it was worth it.

Earlier in the day, I found a book of Judi Morningstar’s tunes, including one she wrote and dedicated to me!! Click this link for “Sharon, Queen of the Reception” I also located my harp instruction books and the strings needed to fix my harp.

As I listened to the music played on my computer, I was motivated to get back to playing. Yes, after John died, I promised myself that I’d practice my harp. It’s been impossible with my extra long manicured fingernails, but I’ve been cutting them down and I can now consider playing.

First I need to replace two broken strings. I think I can handle it. John always did that sort of stuff, but I have the instructions so I can try.

My harp looks great as a room decoration but it’s lovely and deserves to be played.

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