
With the Covid-19 virus causing us to be isolated, I have been passing my alone time shopping on line. Now I’m over-stocked with stuff that I’ll store away. I have everything I “need” plus extras of most items.

Well, almost everything… The other day I realized I’ve been unhappy every time I take a shower because my shower cap is crap! I know most folks don’t bother with a cap, but my hair is fairly long and thick and when it gets wet it takes a while to dry. I’m an evening shower person and the elastic has broken so my hair gets wet just before I head to bed. It’s frustrated me to have this problem repeatedly. Several times I’ve purchased replacement caps at Walmart and at CVS but they’ve been too small or “lined” (and I hate lined shower caps).

So the other day I went on Amazon and found $3 shower caps that are perfect. I bought five! I’m a happy woman. I purr every evening at shower time. They have made my get-ready-for-bed time much more pleasurable.

Isn’t it funny that a little thing like a shower cap with elastic that works can please me so completely.

Life is good.

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