
I found out that the guy I wrote about died on Thursday December, 3rd.


I’m 78 but tonight I ran into a situation I thought only happened to young, virgin girls. I had a guy tell me he wants to take me to bed.

We haven’t even kissed and with the current virus situation, I don’t want to risk spreading germs. I’ve only had him visit my place once before.

I thought at our age, love-making would be limited to hugging and making out… NOT SEX.

He said he doesn’t want to waste his time nor mine.

I asked if just cuddling would be enough but he stated it’s not something he’d consider. (A waste of time.)

I had thought of him as a friend, but I’m not ready to go to bed with anyone. I don’t think I ever will be ready to do “that.” And even if I was “ready,” I now know he’s not the right guy. He insulted me by feeling I would so cheaply let him into my body and I won’t forget it.

The sexual situation bothered me so much I talked to my friend Pat about it and asked her if all senior women have to worry about old guys wanting to take them to bed. She said it happens but generally guys allow time for romantic feelings to grow. What I experienced was not common. She encouraged me to keep looking. There’s a guy for me someplace. I hope.


Since that visit, I have received five phone calls from him. The first one I answered but quickly excused myself. The others I didn’t answer. And now I’ve blocked his number so they don’t even ring here. (But I can see that he tried. I wonder how he feels about the block.)

I am a lady. I plan to stay proper. I don’t need to feel dirtied by a man who thinks that two visits with me allows him “bedding” privileges. No way!!! I don’t care to ever speak to him again.

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