I hope I’m not exposed
I’m usually really careful about coming close to anyone but tonight, Larry, who is the driver who’s taken Kelly airport numerous times, stopped over and wanted Paul Hunt’s phone number. I invited him in without thinking. Since he’s a “driver,” he’s exposed to a lot of folks. He didn’t wear a mask and I doubt that he ever does. I just hope he didn’t bring the virus into my place.
I was never really “close” to him … maybe four or five feet. I am now concerned about the exposure. I should have been more careful. He only stayed five or ten minutes.
I washed my hands as soon as he left, but he really hadn’t handled anything. Nevertheless I’m now uncomfortable.
I’ll see how I feel, but I think I’m going to self-quarantine for awhile. I’d hate to find out that a few minutes of carelessness contaminated me. I’ll wear my mask if I’m around anyone. I don’t want to risk passing it on.
He looked healthy and didn’t show symptoms, but it’s hard to tell.