Who Could Have Guessed?

The year 2020 will go down in history as THE WORST! Hopefully when we get through it, life will return to the pleasant state it was before Covid-19.

But deep inside, I know since I’m already 78, even if I stay healthy, I won’t live long enough to erase the negative impact of this virus.

I’ve lost track of most of my friends. A lot of us hide-out (stay sheltered) to avoid the killer bug. All the fun stuff here in my lovely Kings Point Florida community has come to a screeching halt. Many friends who have homes elsewhere are deciding to stay up north. And Canadian friends are forbidden to cross the border by vehicle. The housing market is changing daily as folks put their places up for sale. I know I’ll never see some friends again. They were folks who were important in my life.

I used to plan for parties and dances. Not any more. I may never dance again nor stand close to a gentleman. Social distancing of six feet is the way of life.

Because I have nothing else to do, I’ve shopped online a lot. Now I have some new clothes, but there’s nowhere to wear them and since I’ve chubby-ed up considerably, a lot doesn’t fit or doesn’t flatter my filled-out body.

I bought a new digital camera, but I haven’t felt like taking photos. Nothing seems like an activity/event I want to capture. I don’t think I want to remember this period.

I find myself anticipating on-line gatherings and dressing up for them.

Today’s activity is a management-offered free concert watched from my golf cart. (But I can’t bring wine to enjoy.)

Pool time must be scheduled in advance. Masks are worn everywhere.

And there’s the HEAT! It’s been soooo hot (record highs) that even the pool isn’t refreshing and golf cart travel is almost unbearable. 95+ most days with high humidity. I could take it, if I could go shopping or visit friends but walking outside is like a blast furnace and there’s nowhere to go, so I stay home.

The only good thing that’s happened are on-line concerts presented Wednesday nights by Jay Ungar and Molly Mason. I love those times that are of comfort.

Normal life is non-existent. I still love my condo (thank heavens), but I’ve actually worn out my couch where I sit most of the time.

My smartest purchase ever was buying Sophie. She’s saved my sanity.

I try to remember how it was, but it’s difficult to put the current situation out of my mind.

And there’s our current president. I can’t help but feel he’s a big share of the problem. No, he didn’t cause the Covid-19 virus, but his reaction made it worse. There’s a very negative feel to the political climate. I fear that he may be re-elected in November, and if he isn’t, it’s probable that he’ll create problems.

I’d scream and pound the walls, but it wouldn’t help. Nothing will help until we get the virus under control.

And then there’ll be the rebuilding of confidence and the confidence of our nation. We’ll need to reacquaint ourselves with what it feels like to be free of this threat.

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