A Lot Accomplished

Usually my days are empty and I accomplish very little, but today I was determined to tackle my to do list.

I changed a doctor’s appointment that conflicted with a meeting I must attend.
I finished decorating my Christmas tree. I worked several hours on it.
I put more water in my golf cart.
I paid my Hillsborough County property taxes.
Called my insurance company and then I paid a FEMA flood insurance bill.
Called several girl friends.
Did a load of laundry.
I managed to get a lovely mistletoe ball up.
I called my golf cart shop and scheduled an appointment as soon as I can get in. (Dec. 4) (Battery is bad.)
I drove to Taco Bell and brought back lunch.

I still have several items on my to do list and I still need to drive to Brandon Honda to get the car’s scratch fixed and a couple little things.

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