Second day of ambition

I’m not doing as much as yesterday.

Today I folded clothes, did a load of laundry, made a cranberry salad for tomorrow, and rearranged my projector holiday lights. Nothing really astounding but I didn’t watch a single movie and moved around quite a bit.

I am realizing that I’ll have trouble tomorrow putting a dent in my menu. I am planning on:

Dressing (from scratch)
Biscuits (6)
Turkey 7lb breast
Mashed Potatoes and Gravy
Cranberry salad (I’ve made it in two bowls so I can take some to Evie)
Olives & pickles
Apple pie (whole) w/ice cream

I just tried to eat a 10 oz. Marie Calendar pot pie but couldn’t finish it. Obviously I’m not going to be able to eat much of what I prepare. (Note: Sophie loves pot pies so she finished it off.)

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