What I learned in 2020…

What I (Sharon Skaryd) learned in 2020: I learned that I can live truly alone as long as I have my dog to talk to. I discovered Zoom which is a great way to see folks at a safe distance. I learned that there are alternatives to shopping in stores (delivery and Amazon). I found that there are really only a few things you really need: a good bottle of wine and a supply of toilet paper. As a single lady, I found I’d rather be alone than with someone I’m neutral about. I found that for me throwing away leftovers is wiser than storing them in the refrigerator only to eventually toss them anyway. I discovered that TV movies repeat and repeat and repeat. I found that everyone responds differently to being isolated. It got easier for me but for many it has been really tough. A good book is a great way to relax before bedtime. I found that wearing makeup, bras, shoes, and matching attire is unimportant as long as you’re comfortable. I found that the news can be depressing so it’s better to avoid it. (What will happen will happen without my input.) I found it’s a good idea to occasionally make a list of stuff you have frozen. Review the list when you can’t think of anything for dinner, otherwise you’ll forget what’s there. Online services like banking and even online concerts are truly valuable. Talking to yourself is completely ok. When I feel I need to “get out” for fresh air, there’s nothing better for me than a nice golf cart ride. Sometimes I pick up carry-out lunch and park in an isolated spot with a book and enjoy my “picnic.” Yup, this is my list of what I learned in 2020. Make your own list. You’ll be surprised at how wise you’ve become.

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