The Inauguration of Biden and Harris

I’m watching the inauguration of the 46th president, Joe Biden.

I’ve watched most of the inaugurations that have occurred in my lifetime. This is very different. There ae no huge crowds. The pandemic and the riots two weeks ago have prohibited the close gathering of people.

Pamela Harris is the FIRST WOMAN VICE PRESIDENT. She’s also the first vice president of color…. female and colored. What a change!! She grew up the child of immigrants. Often the vice president becomes the president. Wouldn’t that be something. She’s an excellent speaker. I like her!

President Trump is back in Florida. He flew out this morning on Air Force One. GOOD RIDDANCE! I’ve never felt so strongly against a politician but Trump was the wrong person to represent our country. Hopefully Biden will be a great improvement.

I had tears when “The National Anthem” and “God Bless America,” were sung. And while singing along the Garth Brooks to “Amazing Grace,” I also cried. It was an epic day!!

I don’t understand intelligent folks who wanted Trump to continue as our president. Even after the attack on the capital, they still supported him. Why? I hope they eventually agree to unite.

I won’t attack my friends who see things differently. They have a right to their feelings. I just hope Biden can convince them that he is the man for the job.

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