Maybe I figured it out

My painful stomach and excessive gas has continued to bother me but maybe I figured it out.

Many years ago, a doctor suggested taking an over-the-counter medicine for my bad back. I think it was Tylenol but maybe it was Aleve (or maybe both). I tried but couldn’t take it. It caused lots of discomfort (upset stomach).

Worse for me are Opioids. I’ve had them prescribed but couldn’t take them so no one has to worry about me abusing ‘scripts.

A couple weeks ago, I started taking Aleve at my current doctor’s suggestion. If I remember correctly, I had the same symptoms of stomach pain as my previous bad experience. I have stopped taking it and I do feel better.

I have also started taking IBGard which will help if I have irritable bowel syndrome. (I do have all the symptoms.)

I’m tired of feeling rotten. I really want to get to the pool. Life is too short to spend it inside in solitude.

It’s a cloudy day so today’s a good day to stay in.

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