A Good Life

I can’t complain at all. I have a great life.

I have been more active as the pandemic restrictions have been lifted. I’m playing “in person” euchre Thursdays, and maybe I’ll add Mondays.

I have a special guy in my life, Ken. He’s been super sweet. Lots of time together and long conversations. He brought me an orchid the other day. We have had dinners, TV watching, sunset, and he’s very attentive.

Because of his job, he’s going to be gone a great deal of the year. I will miss him over the holidays most. Somehow I’m finding that the past year has conditioned me to be alone. It isn’t so bad.

It’s not like i’m looking for or want marriage. But a guy who wants to be with me is great and Ken is living up to everything I could hope for.

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