Getting in Shape

The main effect of the pandemic for many of us has been weight gain. I am one who gained a lot!! I’m ashamed of my body. Yes, it’s getting older but no excuse to be so heavy!!

I followed the old Weight Watchers plan about 2002 and lost 20+ pounds. I’m determined to do it again. Yes, Weight Watchers has a new plan but I have the tools for the old one and since it worked for me, I’ll try it again. I started Saturday (for practice) and started journaling my food points yesterday. I’m using the weight I showed Saturday as my base weight and so far I’ve lost over a pound.

Today I ordered a high tech pedometer which will arrive this afternoon. I need to move more. I think I’ll start by taking Sophie for a short walk and then increase it. She’ll love it and I need it!

I told Ken I’m dieting. At least I’ve made the announcement so I’ll be more apt to follow the restrictions of the diet.

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