An eye opening day

Yesterday I received a call from a Sun City Center fellow who’d seen me on Our Time dating website. He wanted us to get together so we made a date for today (Saturday).

While “Our Time Guy” was talking on my phone, Ken tried to reach me. When he finally got through to me, I felt guilty. I do enjoy Ken’s company but not the situation he has created for us.

After talking to the other guy a couple of times, we decided on a visit rather than the dinner and sunset he’d suggested for our first “date.”

But shortly after that, I received a lovely bouquet of flowers (lilies, roses, daisies, and more) from Ken. The note with it said, “Thinking of you. Love, Ken.”

I just couldn’t accept the flowers and be thinking about him, while leading someone else on. So I called my “Our Time date” and explained that I need to resolve my relationship with Ken before I lure in another guy.

I’m glad I did it. Ken is super sweet and I know I really care for him. I know this new guy doesn’t do a thing for me. He’s just a “guy.” I’m not that hard up. He may be truly nice, but he doesn’t ring any bells for me.

So with my date with the Our Time guy cancelled I will enjoy Ken’s flowers and think about him. I don’t know how I’ll feel when he gets back here. I do know that I can’t ignore the time we’ve enjoyed.

Ken's bouquet

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