Now I remember

Ken and I dated before the pandemic was really in full force (February-March 2020). I didn’t feel comfortable with his Covid-19 attitude and now I remember why. Back then I knew I wouldn’t chance being exposed to the virus. He wasn’t about to protect himself and I feared exposure because of his lack of concern. We parted and I felt it was for the best.

He called yesterday and we came very close to arguing. He kept saying the hike in Covid-19 numbers is just created by politicians and not real. He doesn’t feel Covid-19’s continued danger is valid. I disagree.

I know too many people who are affected by the virus. I know hospitals are full and turning away patients. There’s a genuine risk. He says it’s all made up and those (like me) who believe what’s being reported, are just gullible. According to him, we watch too many news programs where invalid news is distributed. It’s all political.

I am not willing to take a chance. If the authorities say it’s becoming more dangerous, I believe. If I feel there’s a need to wear a mask, I’ll do it.

I try to separate my feelings of him from his “out-there” statements, but it’s hard.

I was wise to avoid him at the start of the pandemic because he was blind to the approaching crisis.

He did get the vaccine and in April of this year, when he came back into my life (early April 2021) it seemed that the virus was under control. We never talked about how he felt about Covid-19. But now the numbers are going up again. His attitude was revealed yesterday. He knows I feel he’s wrong and I know he’s not going to change his mind.

He believes he’s very knowledgeable and superior. In this case, he’s wrong!! (He may think he’s very smart, but I know I am too.)

I don’t know how much of his belief is tainted by Trump. We don’t normally talk about politics or the virus, but it’s an underlying difference in our beliefs that is hard to ignore. Yesterday he made enough statements that I disagree with that I couldn’t just pretend. Maybe his being gone now is good. I’m feeling we don’t have to and probably won’t start back up when he returns.

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