The Lost is Found

A couple of weeks ago I installed a sound bar on my greatroom TV. It has a fairly small remote which is the only way to control the volume and bass/tenor settings.

This afternoon I lost the remote. I looked high and low. It wasn’t any place.

My couch has two built-in power recliners with a piece that can be raised behind the head.

I reached down the sides of the couch and looked under it. I worked well over an hour looking for it. I opened the sofa to the maximum recline position and heard a clunk! I could tell from the sound it was the remote. Of course it was difficult to reach it, but with a yard stick and tongs, I finally moved it to a position that I could reach. It’s out. I’m happy.

I did find that Sophie’s hair collects under the couch. I need to use the vacuum and clean it out.

I am relieved that the remote was found. I need to promise myself to always look for stuff like that asap. It becomes harder to locate it, if time passes.

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