The new leaf

I turned a new leaf. I’m not concentrating so much on finding a special guy. Instead I’m cultivating both male and female friendships. I will let them know that I will always be there for them. They may have already known that, but I’m going to go out of my way to confirm that I’m a reliable resource for them.

I’ve already called Phil and Joe. I’m taking Connie to lunch today, and next week Pat will get my attention.

When Evie and Michelle get back, they’ll know I am reliable and always one of their besties.

I’ll invite neighbor Donna over for the long-promised glass (or two or three) of wine.

It’ll be so enjoyable to be friendlier. I’ll be putting less energy toward finding that one special guy.

And surprise! Maybe I can convert Ken from being my special guy to being a good friend (when he’s here). He’s nice. I’m just going to be firm that we aren’t ever going to be any more than special friends.

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