Ian is getting close

My major concern is electricity. If it’s out for a lengthy period, it’ll be hot and uncomfortable. Hopefully my freezers will stay frozen. If I stay out of them, it should help.

I also worry about water coming under my front door. I have stuff to put under the door if it starts coming in but maybe it won’t come to that.

The grocery store was out of my preferred chips and water but I got enough stuff for prolonged isolation.

I was advised that doing the laundry and starting the dishwasher were important prior to the storm so I’ll make sure both are run today.

I am a little concerned that in a power failure, I don’t know how to open my garage door, but I think I just pull the red release.


I learned one thing too late. If I do this again I’ll make sure my grill is near the front door, not on the other side of the stored lounge chairs so I have to climb over everything. Maybe I can make a more open path, but it sure isn’t easy now.

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