I haven’t accomplished much

My Christmas tree’s been up since Wednesday, Today is Sunday. I keep working to “fluff it up.” When it’s first assembled, there are crushed branches that mean holes so little by little I unbend the branches and it fills in. I do it a little at a time. Right now, it’s about half done. I can still see through places but eventually it’ll look like a beautiful, well-shaped spruce tree.

After it’s perfect, I’ll add the ornaments. (Can’t do it until the branches are as they should be.)

I also need to get my outside projectors working so my place looks ready for the holidays.

My handyman, Rick, moved most of my furniture from the lanai, where it was stored prior to the two hurricanes, and put it back on the back patio. It sure looks more welcoming than it did bare. I’ll finish up with the tables and lounge pads.

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