I’m been really sick!!!!

Thursday –

Finally, I see a little light at the end of the tunnel. I’m finally improving.

Last Saturday (six days ago) I felt like I was catching a cold. Since I’ve avoided any colds or flu since 2020, I was kinda surprised. Unfortunately it got worse and worse.

I tried three times to test for Covid but all tests were negative until Tuesday (two days ago). Now it’s been verified that I have it! I contacted my doctor and was able to set up a video conference with a doctor. She said I’m doing everything right and the fact I was so on top of innoculations and boosters reduced the severity of my case. She said I might be good enough to do my Squad day Friday.

Today is Thursday. I am still under the weather but I was successful finding a sub for tomorrow.

I am getting better but sure don’t feel like covering my job at the Emergency Squad.

What I’ve discovered about my Covid:

The foggy brain was real. I couldn’t think straight.
My taster is messed up! (But I’m not hungry.) Even water had an off-taste.
At least one of the meds I bought (Mucinex or Nyquil) must have Aspartame in it because I get that queasy feeling.
Even my teeth hurt.
I had a real chill most of the time. I wore winter weight long pants and a long-sleeved top.


Sunday –

Saturday I thought for sure that I’d be over my Covid. My cleaning lady was supposed to come so I picked up my place to get ready for her (although I’d sent her a message saying she shouldn’t come but didn’t know if she’d received it). She showed up but I stopped her in the garage and explained that I have had Covid. She didn’t want to come in so she got back in her car and left. By the time I let her know and got back in the house, I had almost fainted. I was so weak and ill. It was the worst I’d felt. I was really zoned out.

Today I have turned the corner. It’s Sunday and I feel pretty good. I’m about 75%. Not perfect but much much better!!

I even ate a little today. Nothing heavy but about 1/2 a chicken kiev breast with rice.


I really feel that my physical therapy was the reason I contracted Covid. They don’t sterilize the equipment we handle. The balls, the stretchy hose, etc. were all used by others.

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