Hoping to lose weight

I anticipate that I’ll probably lose weight when I go to Florida next week.

My sweet hubby is a wonderful cook. I’m not. I’m going to have to eat my own cooking, so I probably won’t eat as much as I would ordinarily. Not only that, but he’s also makes wonderful wine. I won’t get to enjoy a glass or two of his wine with my dinners (although I may buy some).

And also I’ll be more active. The past month most days it’s been below 50 degrees for daytime highs. I’ve been stuck inside. That trend appears to be changing: today it warmed up and tomorrow it should be grand. But in Florida, I’ll be in the pool a lot. I’m not a power swimmer, but at least I keep my legs going while I float around on my noodle. It’s not heavy-duty aerobics, but it will be more activity than I’ve experienced the past two months. Maybe I’ll even attend the noodle aerobics classes. I think they hold them on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays.

I’ll let you know if my “go south” diet works.

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