Heading South … Again!
In about eight hours, I’ll be with Mom. I don’t know how she’ll be, if she’ll remember me, if she’ll be totally in another world, and I’m apprehensive. I know her time is limited (she’s forgetting how to chew and swallow, which is frightening), but I’m determined to enjoy some pleasant times with her, however brief and fleeting.
I’m waiting for my plane to board, as I work on this entry. I’ll fly into Detroit and then on to Tampa International.
Seems like our life has been chaotic lately. I’m looking forward to the tranquility of the southern environment.
My husband, John, was a co-chairman of the Midland Dulcimer Festival and I was in charge of the Saturday stage shows, so this past weekend was hectic but rewarding. John and the other co-chairperson, Margaret Loper, organized a wonderful event. It was relaxing, fun, and filed with music and friends.
The problems resulting from my resignation as workshop chairman of the Evart Funfest continue to pile up. It’s really a mess now.
I know we all want the same thing: the successful continuation of our wonderful music festival and the organization behind it. I’m receiving indications that folks feel the the board doesn’t care but I know that’s not true. Those people are committed to this event/organization and care, just as I do, about it.
One member, Judith, a voice of reason, asked for some explanations from the board and I hope they comply.
The latest wrinkle is that they (the board) sent out a newsletter which included a mail in ballot for bylaws changes. That’s not the way bylaws changes are to be made. We may wish we could “speed up the process” but when you’re running a 501C3 corporation, you can’t just handle things willy-nilly. You have to follow the rules which are in effect. My fear (and that of others) is that we could lose our status as a not-for-profit.
Someone needs to rescind the mailed ballot, no matter what it takes.
The election of officers isn’t handled very well in the current bylaws, but Roberts Rules would indicate that although a “slate of officers” has been prepared by the nominating committee, nominations from the floor would still be in order. We are being denied that opportunity.
Time to board my plane… I’ll write more later.