A feeling of “anticipation”
I realize that down here in Florida, we’re always anticipating a good time and fun with friends. We are “anticipation” junkies.
We always have stuff on the horizon. It’s never more than a day or two from an event we’re anticipating.
True, the weather has been cold and lousy, but we always know that, in a few days, we’ll do something noteworthy.
Tomorrow we have a condo owners center-of-the-court meeting. Thursday we have Rockin Rendezvous and Friday the Follies. Sunday we’re invited to a Super Bowl party at Brenda’s and John’s. Monday we have a Pelican Players election and meeting.
Next week some of our northern friends are coming down and will arrive on Tuesday or Wednesday and leave Thursday.
I wish we lived at this tempo year round. But I know that, if we were here in June, July and August, we’d complain that “everyone’s up North.”
So we’ll do it the way we’ve been doing it – about six months in Michigan and six months here. We divide it up fairly equally. Starting with the winter months we stay four months here in FL. We arrive in mid-December just before Christmas. and stay until mid-April, then five summer months in MI (mid-April until mid-September), two fall months in FL (mid-September until mid-November), one fall-winter month in MI (mid-November until mid-December.) That’s our year = 12 months.
Life is never dull. We love the excitement of up-coming events on our calendar. Life’s great!