Last Day of our Fall Florida Trip – But scroll to the bottom to START the journey
Our trip home (north) has been fairly uneventful but not perfect.
Our first problem came up when, even with trusty GPS, we made a mis-cue while going through Atlanta on I-75. We ended up heading on I-85 east instead of north on 75, but we eventually got on the 275 loop which at least got us back on track. It added probably 20-30 minutes to our already long day and John wasn’t happy.
We also had a problem with sand burrs. It seems Willow got a little frantic about needing to stop at a rest area (she’s on medication and it has affected her thirstiness and subsequent output). There was no place to stop and we recognized her urgency, so we pulled over on the shoulder of the highway near a truck weigh station.
As soon as I stepped out on the shoulder I was ankle deep in sand-burrs. I had on sandals and there were probably a dozen between the sole of my foot and my sandal. These were really sharp buggers and not like the gentle kind I’ve seen in Michigan. I sat Willow on the only clear spot I could find so I could get them out from between my sandal and the sole of my foot. While I was busy pulling them out of my foot, she took a step or two forward into a thicket of them. Of course her little feet were immediately in agony so she rolled over, yelping. John came to her rescue and soon his chest was covered with burrs where Willow had transferred them to him. They also impalled his sandal clad feet (but not under his soles). Thankfully all were easily (but uncomfortably picked off).
But other than that, our trip has been fairly uneventful.
Florida and Georgia looked like summer, although the temperature had dropped dramatically. Tenessee had the very few colorful trees, but Kentucky was cloaked in a beautiful fall display what I’d consider “peak color.” In Ohio, there was still some color, but it’s definitely well-past peak. There were a lot of bare trees. Michigan is about the same.
Temperature is currently 49. Overnight both Monday and Tuesday, it was below freezing. This a.m. the grass was definitely frosty in Florence, KY.
We should make it home by about 2:30 this afternoon. We’re just crossed the border into Michigan so we have only about 130 miles to go.
I’ll probably write a little more, when we get home