Christmas is coming!

I just realized how long it’s been since I’ve posted to my blog. I promise that you’ll hear lots more from me in February and March (when we’re heading to and we’ll be in Florida) but until then, you’ll have to be content with occasional posts that don’t say much.

We’ve been really busy playing our line-up of Christmas gigs. The first one was November 4th. We have been “at it” a couple times a week since then and still have six more Christmas performances before the 25th.

When I say stuff like that, I don’t want anyone to ever think that I am complaining. Heck, we choose to be busy. We could say “no.” We could find other stuff to do. The only negative that I feel about “life” in general is that it’s not long enough. I want to live forever!!

Today we found out our joint Christmas gifts have arrived! We ordered three major lovely G.E. stainless kitchen appliances (a luxury range, glamorous refrigerator, and totally desirable dishwasher) and they’re in!! Great! but now we need to get them home and we only have five days before we start paying a penalty. Since we’re hosting a Subterranean Strings Hammered Dulcimer Club Christmas get-together and dinner Friday evening, we don’t really have time to do it until Monday. But Monday we’ll do it and I am personally glad that they’ll be here before Christmas. It’ll seem more like we’ve actually gotten each other something!!

I know I’m violating my feminine qualities by being content to get a range, refrigerator and dishwasher as Christmas gifts, but our current ones (from 1986) have had it and I’m really anxious to up-grade. I can’t think of anything I’d rather have. (Of course Santa better remember to put “something” personal under the tree — but I don’t take chances, and I buy lots of stuff throughout the year, so I am not being neglected. Believe me!!)

During this season, I tend to review the whole year.

One of the most notable events of 2006 was getting to know my new brother. (Please read the family story which you can get to from the link in right most column, under the heading “Links”, next to the most recent blog entry.) It has been wonderful to discover a whole new family I didn’t know existed.

But there have been disappointments too. The festivals were tarnished this year with things that were sad (illnesses, deaths, tragedies). It was hard to be up-beat. It’s surprising that we enjoyed them at all, considering all the difficulties we dealt with.

Our six-week trip in April and May across the country was a trip of a lifetime. Both John and I think about it often and wish it had lasted longer. I’m sure we’ll do another trip maybe in 2008. The people we met were super. We were astounded by this grand country. (Funny but, although we had seen all the photos, we weren’t prepared for the scope of our land.)

I’ll write more before the end of 2006. Enjoy the holidays.

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