Sadness in Michigan

John was notified last night that his nephew was killed in an accident. A truck he was working on slipped and crushed him at his home. He’d been married for 21 years and had two children. How sad!
You can read his obituary here

John truly wanted to go back for the funeral, but it’ll be Saturday a.m. and we have a Thursday commitment we can’t get out of. That means we’d have to leave Friday and there’s no way we can drive back by the funeral time Saturday. John could fly home alone and then come back to Florida on the 6th to get me so we could drive home leaving on the 15th but it would be tough and expensive to get flights this late. It just won’t work so he won’t be attending the funeral.

On a lighter note, we’ve been practicing for our performance tomorrow.

And today we had to look for a microwave. We didn’t have one when we moved into our new condo but a friend loaned us one and said, “We’ll never need it back, just consider it yours.”

We had extra one in Michigan, but since we had that assurance, we didn’t bring it back with us in January. Wouldn’t you know, our friends had a change of circumstance and needed their microwave so we returned it to them. Now we have none.

Especially since I’ll be here alone in June, we want to make sure one is here when we go home in two weeks.

Since we can bring one back from Michigan in September, we’re not anxious to spend much on one. Our first choice would be to get something to fill-in until we can bring one from home. We’ve been shopping like mad. No success yet, but we’ll figure it out.

The pool was lovely today. The air temps were in the mid-high 80’s. It was a tad humid and sorta over-cast but the water was warm and our friends were there. Nevertheless the shadow of the tragic accident in Michigan clouded the day.

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